WC_REST_Products_V2_Controller::prepare_object_for_database()protectedWC 1.0

Prepare a single product for create or update.

Метод класса: WC_REST_Products_V2_Controller{}




// protected - в коде основоного (родительского) или дочернего класса
$result = $this->prepare_object_for_database( $request, $creating );
$request(WP_REST_Request) (обязательный)
Request object.
If is creating a new object.
По умолчанию: false

Код WC_REST_Products_V2_Controller::prepare_object_for_database() WC 8.7.0

protected function prepare_object_for_database( $request, $creating = false ) {
	$id = isset( $request['id'] ) ? absint( $request['id'] ) : 0;

	// Type is the most important part here because we need to be using the correct class and methods.
	if ( isset( $request['type'] ) ) {
		$classname = WC_Product_Factory::get_classname_from_product_type( $request['type'] );

		if ( ! class_exists( $classname ) ) {
			$classname = 'WC_Product_Simple';

		$product = new $classname( $id );
	} elseif ( isset( $request['id'] ) ) {
		$product = wc_get_product( $id );
	} else {
		$product = new WC_Product_Simple();

	if ( 'variation' === $product->get_type() ) {
		return new WP_Error(
			__( 'To manipulate product variations you should use the /products/<product_id>/variations/<id> endpoint.', 'woocommerce' ),
				'status' => 404,

	// Post title.
	if ( isset( $request['name'] ) ) {
		$product->set_name( wp_filter_post_kses( $request['name'] ) );

	// Post content.
	if ( isset( $request['description'] ) ) {
		$product->set_description( wp_filter_post_kses( $request['description'] ) );

	// Post excerpt.
	if ( isset( $request['short_description'] ) ) {
		$product->set_short_description( wp_filter_post_kses( $request['short_description'] ) );

	// Post status.
	if ( isset( $request['status'] ) ) {
		$product->set_status( get_post_status_object( $request['status'] ) ? $request['status'] : 'draft' );

	// Post slug.
	if ( isset( $request['slug'] ) ) {
		$product->set_slug( $request['slug'] );

	// Menu order.
	if ( isset( $request['menu_order'] ) ) {
		$product->set_menu_order( $request['menu_order'] );

	// Comment status.
	if ( isset( $request['reviews_allowed'] ) ) {
		$product->set_reviews_allowed( $request['reviews_allowed'] );

	// Virtual.
	if ( isset( $request['virtual'] ) ) {
		$product->set_virtual( $request['virtual'] );

	// Tax status.
	if ( isset( $request['tax_status'] ) ) {
		$product->set_tax_status( $request['tax_status'] );

	// Tax Class.
	if ( isset( $request['tax_class'] ) ) {
		$product->set_tax_class( $request['tax_class'] );

	// Catalog Visibility.
	if ( isset( $request['catalog_visibility'] ) ) {
		$product->set_catalog_visibility( $request['catalog_visibility'] );

	// Purchase Note.
	if ( isset( $request['purchase_note'] ) ) {
		$product->set_purchase_note( wp_kses_post( wp_unslash( $request['purchase_note'] ) ) );

	// Featured Product.
	if ( isset( $request['featured'] ) ) {
		$product->set_featured( $request['featured'] );

	// Shipping data.
	$product = $this->save_product_shipping_data( $product, $request );

	// SKU.
	if ( isset( $request['sku'] ) ) {
		$product->set_sku( wc_clean( $request['sku'] ) );

	// Attributes.
	if ( isset( $request['attributes'] ) ) {
		$attributes = array();

		foreach ( $request['attributes'] as $attribute ) {
			$attribute_id   = 0;
			$attribute_name = '';

			// Check ID for global attributes or name for product attributes.
			if ( ! empty( $attribute['id'] ) ) {
				$attribute_id   = absint( $attribute['id'] );
				$attribute_name = wc_attribute_taxonomy_name_by_id( $attribute_id );
			} elseif ( ! empty( $attribute['name'] ) ) {
				$attribute_name = wc_clean( $attribute['name'] );

			if ( ! $attribute_id && ! $attribute_name ) {

			if ( $attribute_id ) {

				if ( isset( $attribute['options'] ) ) {
					$options = $attribute['options'];

					if ( ! is_array( $attribute['options'] ) ) {
						// Text based attributes - Posted values are term names.
						$options = explode( WC_DELIMITER, $options );

					$values = array_map( 'wc_sanitize_term_text_based', $options );
					$values = array_filter( $values, 'strlen' );
				} else {
					$values = array();

				if ( ! empty( $values ) ) {
					// Add attribute to array, but don't set values.
					$attribute_object = new WC_Product_Attribute();
					$attribute_object->set_id( $attribute_id );
					$attribute_object->set_name( $attribute_name );
					$attribute_object->set_options( $values );
					$attribute_object->set_position( isset( $attribute['position'] ) ? (string) absint( $attribute['position'] ) : '0' );
					$attribute_object->set_visible( ( isset( $attribute['visible'] ) && $attribute['visible'] ) ? 1 : 0 );
					$attribute_object->set_variation( ( isset( $attribute['variation'] ) && $attribute['variation'] ) ? 1 : 0 );
					$attributes[] = $attribute_object;
			} elseif ( isset( $attribute['options'] ) ) {
				// Custom attribute - Add attribute to array and set the values.
				if ( is_array( $attribute['options'] ) ) {
					$values = $attribute['options'];
				} else {
					$values = explode( WC_DELIMITER, $attribute['options'] );
				$attribute_object = new WC_Product_Attribute();
				$attribute_object->set_name( $attribute_name );
				$attribute_object->set_options( $values );
				$attribute_object->set_position( isset( $attribute['position'] ) ? (string) absint( $attribute['position'] ) : '0' );
				$attribute_object->set_visible( ( isset( $attribute['visible'] ) && $attribute['visible'] ) ? 1 : 0 );
				$attribute_object->set_variation( ( isset( $attribute['variation'] ) && $attribute['variation'] ) ? 1 : 0 );
				$attributes[] = $attribute_object;
		$product->set_attributes( $attributes );

	// Sales and prices.
	if ( in_array( $product->get_type(), array( 'variable', 'grouped' ), true ) ) {
		$product->set_regular_price( '' );
		$product->set_sale_price( '' );
		$product->set_date_on_sale_to( '' );
		$product->set_date_on_sale_from( '' );
		$product->set_price( '' );
	} else {
		// Regular Price.
		if ( isset( $request['regular_price'] ) ) {
			$product->set_regular_price( $request['regular_price'] );

		// Sale Price.
		if ( isset( $request['sale_price'] ) ) {
			$product->set_sale_price( $request['sale_price'] );

		if ( isset( $request['date_on_sale_from'] ) ) {
			$product->set_date_on_sale_from( $request['date_on_sale_from'] );

		if ( isset( $request['date_on_sale_from_gmt'] ) ) {
			$product->set_date_on_sale_from( $request['date_on_sale_from_gmt'] ? strtotime( $request['date_on_sale_from_gmt'] ) : null );

		if ( isset( $request['date_on_sale_to'] ) ) {
			$product->set_date_on_sale_to( $request['date_on_sale_to'] );

		if ( isset( $request['date_on_sale_to_gmt'] ) ) {
			$product->set_date_on_sale_to( $request['date_on_sale_to_gmt'] ? strtotime( $request['date_on_sale_to_gmt'] ) : null );

	// Product parent ID.
	if ( isset( $request['parent_id'] ) ) {
		$product->set_parent_id( $request['parent_id'] );

	// Sold individually.
	if ( isset( $request['sold_individually'] ) ) {
		$product->set_sold_individually( $request['sold_individually'] );

	// Stock status.
	if ( isset( $request['in_stock'] ) ) {
		$stock_status = true === $request['in_stock'] ? 'instock' : 'outofstock';
	} else {
		$stock_status = $product->get_stock_status();

	// Stock data.
	if ( 'yes' === get_option( 'woocommerce_manage_stock' ) ) {
		// Manage stock.
		if ( isset( $request['manage_stock'] ) ) {
			$product->set_manage_stock( $request['manage_stock'] );

		// Backorders.
		if ( isset( $request['backorders'] ) ) {
			$product->set_backorders( $request['backorders'] );

		if ( $product->is_type( 'grouped' ) ) {
			$product->set_manage_stock( 'no' );
			$product->set_backorders( 'no' );
			$product->set_stock_quantity( '' );
			$product->set_stock_status( $stock_status );
		} elseif ( $product->is_type( 'external' ) ) {
			$product->set_manage_stock( 'no' );
			$product->set_backorders( 'no' );
			$product->set_stock_quantity( '' );
			$product->set_stock_status( 'instock' );
		} elseif ( $product->get_manage_stock() ) {
			// Stock status is always determined by children so sync later.
			if ( ! $product->is_type( 'variable' ) ) {
				$product->set_stock_status( $stock_status );

			// Stock quantity.
			if ( isset( $request['stock_quantity'] ) ) {
				$product->set_stock_quantity( wc_stock_amount( $request['stock_quantity'] ) );
			} elseif ( isset( $request['inventory_delta'] ) ) {
				$stock_quantity  = wc_stock_amount( $product->get_stock_quantity() );
				$stock_quantity += wc_stock_amount( $request['inventory_delta'] );
				$product->set_stock_quantity( wc_stock_amount( $stock_quantity ) );
		} else {
			// Don't manage stock.
			$product->set_manage_stock( 'no' );
			$product->set_stock_quantity( '' );
			$product->set_stock_status( $stock_status );
	} elseif ( ! $product->is_type( 'variable' ) ) {
		$product->set_stock_status( $stock_status );

	// Upsells.
	if ( isset( $request['upsell_ids'] ) ) {
		$upsells = array();
		$ids     = $request['upsell_ids'];

		if ( ! empty( $ids ) ) {
			foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
				if ( $id && $id > 0 ) {
					$upsells[] = $id;

		$product->set_upsell_ids( $upsells );

	// Cross sells.
	if ( isset( $request['cross_sell_ids'] ) ) {
		$crosssells = array();
		$ids        = $request['cross_sell_ids'];

		if ( ! empty( $ids ) ) {
			foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
				if ( $id && $id > 0 ) {
					$crosssells[] = $id;

		$product->set_cross_sell_ids( $crosssells );

	// Product categories.
	if ( isset( $request['categories'] ) && is_array( $request['categories'] ) ) {
		$product = $this->save_taxonomy_terms( $product, $request['categories'] );

	// Product tags.
	if ( isset( $request['tags'] ) && is_array( $request['tags'] ) ) {
		$product = $this->save_taxonomy_terms( $product, $request['tags'], 'tag' );

	// Downloadable.
	if ( isset( $request['downloadable'] ) ) {
		$product->set_downloadable( $request['downloadable'] );

	// Downloadable options.
	if ( $product->get_downloadable() ) {

		// Downloadable files.
		if ( isset( $request['downloads'] ) && is_array( $request['downloads'] ) ) {
			$product = $this->save_downloadable_files( $product, $request['downloads'] );

		// Download limit.
		if ( isset( $request['download_limit'] ) ) {
			$product->set_download_limit( $request['download_limit'] );

		// Download expiry.
		if ( isset( $request['download_expiry'] ) ) {
			$product->set_download_expiry( $request['download_expiry'] );

	// Product url and button text for external products.
	if ( $product->is_type( 'external' ) ) {
		if ( isset( $request['external_url'] ) ) {
			$product->set_product_url( $request['external_url'] );

		if ( isset( $request['button_text'] ) ) {
			$product->set_button_text( $request['button_text'] );

	// Save default attributes for variable products.
	if ( $product->is_type( 'variable' ) ) {
		$product = $this->save_default_attributes( $product, $request );

	// Set children for a grouped product.
	if ( $product->is_type( 'grouped' ) && isset( $request['grouped_products'] ) ) {
		$product->set_children( $request['grouped_products'] );

	// Check for featured/gallery images, upload it and set it.
	if ( isset( $request['images'] ) ) {
		$product = $this->set_product_images( $product, $request['images'] );

	// Allow set meta_data.
	if ( is_array( $request['meta_data'] ) ) {
		foreach ( $request['meta_data'] as $meta ) {
			$product->update_meta_data( $meta['key'], $meta['value'], isset( $meta['id'] ) ? $meta['id'] : '' );

	 * Filters an object before it is inserted via the REST API.
	 * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$this->post_type`,
	 * refers to the object type slug.
	 * @param WC_Data         $product  Object object.
	 * @param WP_REST_Request $request  Request object.
	 * @param bool            $creating If is creating a new object.
	return apply_filters( "woocommerce_rest_pre_insert_{$this->post_type}_object", $product, $request, $creating );