WP_Privacy_Policy_Content::privacy_policy_guide()public staticWP 4.9.6

Outputs the privacy policy guide together with content from the theme and plugins.

Метод класса: WP_Privacy_Policy_Content{}

Хуков нет.


null. Ничего (null).


$result = WP_Privacy_Policy_Content::privacy_policy_guide();

Список изменений

С версии 4.9.6 Введена.

Код WP_Privacy_Policy_Content::privacy_policy_guide() WP 6.7.1

public static function privacy_policy_guide() {

	$content_array = self::get_suggested_policy_text();
	$content       = '';
	$date_format   = __( 'F j, Y' );

	foreach ( $content_array as $section ) {
		$class   = '';
		$meta    = '';
		$removed = '';

		if ( ! empty( $section['removed'] ) ) {
			$badge_class = ' red';
			$date        = date_i18n( $date_format, $section['removed'] );
			/* translators: %s: Date of plugin deactivation. */
			$badge_title = sprintf( __( 'Removed %s.' ), $date );

			/* translators: %s: Date of plugin deactivation. */
			$removed = sprintf( __( 'You deactivated this plugin on %s and may no longer need this policy.' ), $date );
			$removed = wp_get_admin_notice(
					'type'               => 'info',
					'additional_classes' => array( 'inline' ),
		} elseif ( ! empty( $section['updated'] ) ) {
			$badge_class = ' blue';
			$date        = date_i18n( $date_format, $section['updated'] );
			/* translators: %s: Date of privacy policy text update. */
			$badge_title = sprintf( __( 'Updated %s.' ), $date );

		$plugin_name = esc_html( $section['plugin_name'] );

		$sanitized_policy_name = sanitize_title_with_dashes( $plugin_name );
		<h4 class="privacy-settings-accordion-heading">
		<button aria-expanded="false" class="privacy-settings-accordion-trigger" aria-controls="privacy-settings-accordion-block-<?php echo $sanitized_policy_name; ?>" type="button">
			<span class="title"><?php echo $plugin_name; ?></span>
			<?php if ( ! empty( $section['removed'] ) || ! empty( $section['updated'] ) ) : ?>
			<span class="badge <?php echo $badge_class; ?>"> <?php echo $badge_title; ?></span>
			<?php endif; ?>
			<span class="icon"></span>
		<div id="privacy-settings-accordion-block-<?php echo $sanitized_policy_name; ?>" class="privacy-settings-accordion-panel privacy-text-box-body" hidden="hidden">
			echo $removed;
			echo $section['policy_text'];
			<?php if ( empty( $section['removed'] ) ) : ?>
			<div class="privacy-settings-accordion-actions">
				<span class="success" aria-hidden="true"><?php _e( 'Copied!' ); ?></span>
				<button type="button" class="privacy-text-copy button">
					<span aria-hidden="true"><?php _e( 'Copy suggested policy text to clipboard' ); ?></span>
					<span class="screen-reader-text">
						/* translators: Hidden accessibility text. %s: Plugin name. */
						printf( __( 'Copy suggested policy text from %s.' ), $plugin_name );
			<?php endif; ?>