WP_Sitemaps_Renderer::get_sitemap_xml()publicWP 5.5.0

Gets XML for a sitemap.

Метод класса: WP_Sitemaps_Renderer{}

Хуков нет.


Строку|false. A well-formed XML string for a sitemap index. False on error.


$WP_Sitemaps_Renderer = new WP_Sitemaps_Renderer();
$WP_Sitemaps_Renderer->get_sitemap_xml( $url_list );
$url_list(массив) (обязательный)
Array of URLs for a sitemap.

Список изменений

С версии 5.5.0 Введена.

Код WP_Sitemaps_Renderer::get_sitemap_xml() WP 6.5.2

public function get_sitemap_xml( $url_list ) {
	$urlset = new SimpleXMLElement(
			'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>',
			'<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9" />'

	foreach ( $url_list as $url_item ) {
		$url = $urlset->addChild( 'url' );

		// Add each element as a child node to the <url> entry.
		foreach ( $url_item as $name => $value ) {
			if ( 'loc' === $name ) {
				$url->addChild( $name, esc_url( $value ) );
			} elseif ( in_array( $name, array( 'lastmod', 'changefreq', 'priority' ), true ) ) {
				$url->addChild( $name, esc_xml( $value ) );
			} else {
						/* translators: %s: List of element names. */
						__( 'Fields other than %s are not currently supported for sitemaps.' ),
						implode( ',', array( 'loc', 'lastmod', 'changefreq', 'priority' ) )

	return $urlset->asXML();