WP_Translation_Controller::translate_plural()publicWP 6.5.0

Translates plurals.

Checks both singular+plural combinations as well as just singulars, in case the translation file does not store the plural.

Метод класса: WP_Translation_Controller{}

Хуков нет.


Строку|false. Translation on success, false otherwise.


$WP_Translation_Controller = new WP_Translation_Controller();
$WP_Translation_Controller->translate_plural( $plurals, $number, $context, $textdomain, ?string $locale );
$plurals(массив) (обязательный)

Pair of singular and plural translations.

  • 0(строка)
    Singular translation.

  • 1(строка)
    Plural translation.
$number(int) (обязательный)
Number of items.
Context for the string.
По умолчанию: empty string
Text domain.
По умолчанию: 'default'
?string $locale **
По умолчанию: null

Список изменений

С версии 6.5.0 Введена.

Код WP_Translation_Controller::translate_plural() WP 6.6.2

public function translate_plural( array $plurals, int $number, string $context = '', string $textdomain = 'default', ?string $locale = null ) {
	if ( '' !== $context ) {
		$context .= "\4";

	$text        = implode( "\0", $plurals );
	$translation = $this->locate_translation( "{$context}{$text}", $textdomain, $locale );

	if ( false === $translation ) {
		$text        = $plurals[0];
		$translation = $this->locate_translation( "{$context}{$text}", $textdomain, $locale );

		if ( false === $translation ) {
			return false;

	/** @var WP_Translation_File $source */
	$source = $translation['source'];
	$num    = $source->get_plural_form( $number );

	// See \Translations::translate_plural().
	return $translation['entries'][ $num ] ?? $translation['entries'][0];