Метод класса: ftp_base{}
Хуков нет.
. Ничего (null).
$ftp_base = new ftp_base(); $ftp_base->mget( $remote, $local, $continious );
- $remote (обязательный)
- -
- $local **
- -
По умолчанию: "." - $continious **
- -
По умолчанию: false
Код ftp_base::mget() ftp base::mget WP 6.7.1
function mget($remote, $local=".", $continious=false) { $list=$this->rawlist($remote, "-lA"); if($list===false) { $this->PushError("mget","cannot read remote folder list", "Cannot read remote folder \"".$remote."\" contents"); return FALSE; } if(empty($list)) return true; if(!@file_exists($local)) { if(!@mkdir($local)) { $this->PushError("mget","cannot create local folder", "Cannot create folder \"".$local."\""); return FALSE; } } foreach($list as $k=>$v) { $list[$k]=$this->parselisting($v); if( ! $list[$k] or $list[$k]["name"]=="." or $list[$k]["name"]=="..") unset($list[$k]); } $ret=true; foreach($list as $el) { if($el["type"]=="d") { if(!$this->mget($remote."/".$el["name"], $local."/".$el["name"], $continious)) { $this->PushError("mget", "cannot copy folder", "Cannot copy remote folder \"".$remote."/".$el["name"]."\" to local \"".$local."/".$el["name"]."\""); $ret=false; if(!$continious) break; } } else { if(!$this->get($remote."/".$el["name"], $local."/".$el["name"])) { $this->PushError("mget", "cannot copy file", "Cannot copy remote file \"".$remote."/".$el["name"]."\" to local \"".$local."/".$el["name"]."\""); $ret=false; if(!$continious) break; } } @chmod($local."/".$el["name"], $el["perms"]); $t=strtotime($el["date"]); if($t!==-1 and $t!==false) @touch($local."/".$el["name"], $t); } return $ret; }