get_blog_id_from_url()WP 3.0.0

Gets a blog's numeric ID from its URL.

On a subdirectory installation like, $domain will be the root '' and $path the subdirectory '/blog1/'. With subdomains like, $domain is '' and $path is '/'.

Хуков нет.


int. 0 if no blog found, otherwise the ID of the matching blog.


get_blog_id_from_url( $domain, $path );
$domain(строка) (обязательный)
Website domain.
Not required for subdomain installations.
По умолчанию: '/'


  • Global. wpdb. $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.

Список изменений

С версии 3.0.0 Введена.

Код get_blog_id_from_url() WP 6.5.2

function get_blog_id_from_url( $domain, $path = '/' ) {
	$domain = strtolower( $domain );
	$path   = strtolower( $path );
	$id     = wp_cache_get( md5( $domain . $path ), 'blog-id-cache' );

	if ( -1 == $id ) { // Blog does not exist.
		return 0;
	} elseif ( $id ) {
		return (int) $id;

	$args   = array(
		'domain'                 => $domain,
		'path'                   => $path,
		'fields'                 => 'ids',
		'number'                 => 1,
		'update_site_meta_cache' => false,
	$result = get_sites( $args );
	$id     = array_shift( $result );

	if ( ! $id ) {
		wp_cache_set( md5( $domain . $path ), -1, 'blog-id-cache' );
		return 0;

	wp_cache_set( md5( $domain . $path ), $id, 'blog-id-cache' );

	return $id;