wp_filter_global_styles_post()WP 5.9.0

Sanitizes global styles user content removing unsafe rules.

Хуков нет.


Строку. Filtered post content with unsafe rules removed.


wp_filter_global_styles_post( $data );
$data(строка) (обязательный)
Post content to filter.

Список изменений

С версии 5.9.0 Введена.

Код wp_filter_global_styles_post() WP 6.5.2

function wp_filter_global_styles_post( $data ) {
	$decoded_data        = json_decode( wp_unslash( $data ), true );
	$json_decoding_error = json_last_error();
	if (
		JSON_ERROR_NONE === $json_decoding_error &&
		is_array( $decoded_data ) &&
		isset( $decoded_data['isGlobalStylesUserThemeJSON'] ) &&
	) {
		unset( $decoded_data['isGlobalStylesUserThemeJSON'] );

		$data_to_encode = WP_Theme_JSON::remove_insecure_properties( $decoded_data );

		$data_to_encode['isGlobalStylesUserThemeJSON'] = true;
		return wp_slash( wp_json_encode( $data_to_encode ) );
	return $data;