wp_get_media_creation_timestamp()WP 4.9.0

Parses creation date from media metadata.

The getID3 library doesn't have a standard method for getting creation dates, so the location of this data can vary based on the MIME type.

Хуков нет.


int|false. A UNIX timestamp for the media's creation date if available or a boolean FALSE if a timestamp could not be determined.


wp_get_media_creation_timestamp( $metadata );
$metadata(массив) (обязательный)
The metadata returned by getID3::analyze().

Список изменений

С версии 4.9.0 Введена.

Код wp_get_media_creation_timestamp() WP 6.5.2

function wp_get_media_creation_timestamp( $metadata ) {
	$creation_date = false;

	if ( empty( $metadata['fileformat'] ) ) {
		return $creation_date;

	switch ( $metadata['fileformat'] ) {
		case 'asf':
			if ( isset( $metadata['asf']['file_properties_object']['creation_date_unix'] ) ) {
				$creation_date = (int) $metadata['asf']['file_properties_object']['creation_date_unix'];

		case 'matroska':
		case 'webm':
			if ( isset( $metadata['matroska']['comments']['creation_time'][0] ) ) {
				$creation_date = strtotime( $metadata['matroska']['comments']['creation_time'][0] );
			} elseif ( isset( $metadata['matroska']['info'][0]['DateUTC_unix'] ) ) {
				$creation_date = (int) $metadata['matroska']['info'][0]['DateUTC_unix'];

		case 'quicktime':
		case 'mp4':
			if ( isset( $metadata['quicktime']['moov']['subatoms'][0]['creation_time_unix'] ) ) {
				$creation_date = (int) $metadata['quicktime']['moov']['subatoms'][0]['creation_time_unix'];

	return $creation_date;