wp_print_scripts()WP 2.1.0

Prints scripts in document head that are in the $handles queue.

Called by admin-header.php and wp_head hook. Since it is called by wp_head on every page load, the function does not instantiate the WP_Scripts object unless script names are explicitly passed. Makes use of already-instantiated $wp_scripts global if present. Use provided wp_print_scripts hook to register/enqueue new scripts.

Хуки из функции


Строку[]. On success, an array of handles of processed WP_Dependencies items; otherwise, an empty array.


wp_print_scripts( $handles );
Scripts to be printed.
По умолчанию: 'false'


  • Смотрите: WP_Scripts::do_item()
  • Global. WP_Scripts. $wp_scripts The WP_Scripts object for printing scripts.

Список изменений

С версии 2.1.0 Введена.

Код wp_print_scripts() WP 6.6.1

function wp_print_scripts( $handles = false ) {
	global $wp_scripts;

	 * Fires before scripts in the $handles queue are printed.
	 * @since 2.1.0
	do_action( 'wp_print_scripts' );

	if ( '' === $handles ) { // For 'wp_head'.
		$handles = false;

	_wp_scripts_maybe_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__ );

	if ( ! ( $wp_scripts instanceof WP_Scripts ) ) {
		if ( ! $handles ) {
			return array(); // No need to instantiate if nothing is there.

	return wp_scripts()->do_items( $handles );