wp_remove_surrounding_empty_script_tags()WP 6.4.0

Removes leading and trailing _empty_ script tags.

This is a helper meant to be used for literal script tag construction within wp_get_inline_script_tag() wp_print_inline_script_tag(). It removes the literal values of "<script>" and "</script>" from around an inline script after trimming whitespace. Typically this is used in conjunction with output buffering, where ob_get_clean() is passed as the $contents argument.


// Strips exact literal empty SCRIPT tags.
$js = '<script>sayHello();</script>;
'sayHello();' === wp_remove_surrounding_empty_script_tags( $js );
// Otherwise if anything is different it warns in the JS console.
$js = '<script type="text/javascript">console.log( "hi" );</script>';
'console.error( ... )' === wp_remove_surrounding_empty_script_tags( $js );

Внутренняя функция — эта функция рассчитана на использование самим ядром. Не рекомендуется использовать эту функцию в своем коде.

Хуков нет.


Строку. Script body without surrounding script tag literals, or original contents if both exact literals aren't present.


wp_remove_surrounding_empty_script_tags( $contents );
$contents(строка) (обязательный)
Script body with manually created SCRIPT tag literals.


Список изменений

С версии 6.4.0 Введена.

Код wp_remove_surrounding_empty_script_tags() WP 6.7.1

function wp_remove_surrounding_empty_script_tags( $contents ) {
	$contents = trim( $contents );
	$opener   = '<SCRIPT>';
	$closer   = '</SCRIPT>';

	if (
		strlen( $contents ) > strlen( $opener ) + strlen( $closer ) &&
		strtoupper( substr( $contents, 0, strlen( $opener ) ) ) === $opener &&
		strtoupper( substr( $contents, -strlen( $closer ) ) ) === $closer
	) {
		return substr( $contents, strlen( $opener ), -strlen( $closer ) );
	} else {
		$error_message = __( 'Expected string to start with script tag (without attributes) and end with script tag, with optional whitespace.' );
		_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, $error_message, '6.4' );
		return sprintf(
					/* translators: %s: wp_remove_surrounding_empty_script_tags() */
					__( 'Function %s used incorrectly in PHP.' ),
				) . ' ' . $error_message