
BootstrapState{}WP-CLI 1.0

Class BootstrapState.

Represents the state that is passed from one bootstrap step to the next.

Хуков нет.


$BootstrapState = new BootstrapState();
// use class methods


  1. public getValue( $key, $fallback = null )
  2. public setValue( $key, $value )


  • Пакет: WP_CLI\Bootstrap

Maintain BC: Changing the method names in this class breaks autoload interactions between Phar
& framework/commands you use outside of Phar (like when running the Phar WP inside of a command folder).

Код BootstrapState{} WP-CLI 2.8.0-alpha

class BootstrapState {

	 * Whether the command currently being run is "protected".
	 * This means that the command should not be allowed to break due to
	 * extension code.
	const IS_PROTECTED_COMMAND = 'is_protected_command';

	 * Internal storage of the state values.
	 * @var array
	private $state = [];

	 * Get the state value for a given key.
	 * @param string $key      Key to get the state from.
	 * @param mixed  $fallback Fallback value to use if the key is not defined.
	 * @return mixed
	public function getValue( $key, $fallback = null ) {
		return array_key_exists( $key, $this->state )
			? $this->state[ $key ]
			: $fallback;

	 * Set the state value for a given key.
	 * @param string $key   Key to set the state for.
	 * @param mixed  $value Value to set the state for the given key to.
	 * @return void
	public function setValue( $key, $value ) {
		$this->state[ $key ] = $value;