FileCache{}WP-CLI 1.0

Reads/writes to a filesystem cache

Хуков нет.


$FileCache = new FileCache();
// use class methods


  1. public __construct( $cache_dir, $ttl, $max_size, $whitelist = 'a-z0-9._-' )
  2. public clean()
  3. public clear()
  4. protected ensure_dir_exists( $dir )
  5. public export( $key, $target, $ttl = null )
  6. protected filename( $key )
  7. protected get_finder()
  8. public get_root()
  9. public has( $key, $ttl = null )
  10. public import( $key, $source )
  11. public is_enabled()
  12. protected prepare_write( $key )
  13. public prune()
  14. public read( $key, $ttl = null )
  15. public remove( $key )
  16. protected validate_key( $key )
  17. public write( $key, $contents )

Код FileCache{} WP-CLI 2.8.0-alpha

class FileCache {

	 * @var string cache path
	protected $root;
	 * @var bool
	protected $enabled = true;
	 * @var int files time to live
	protected $ttl;
	 * @var int max total size
	protected $max_size;
	 * @var string key allowed chars (regex class)
	protected $whitelist;

	 * @param string $cache_dir  location of the cache
	 * @param int    $ttl        cache files default time to live (expiration)
	 * @param int    $max_size   max total cache size
	 * @param string $whitelist  List of characters that are allowed in path names (used in a regex character class)
	public function __construct( $cache_dir, $ttl, $max_size, $whitelist = 'a-z0-9._-' ) {
		$this->root      = Utils\trailingslashit( $cache_dir );
		$this->ttl       = (int) $ttl;
		$this->max_size  = (int) $max_size;
		$this->whitelist = $whitelist;

		if ( ! $this->ensure_dir_exists( $this->root ) ) {
			$this->enabled = false;


	 * Cache is enabled
	 * @return bool
	public function is_enabled() {
		return $this->enabled;

	 * Cache root
	 * @return string
	public function get_root() {
		return $this->root;

	 * Check if a file is in cache and return its filename
	 * @param string $key cache key
	 * @param int    $ttl time to live
	 * @return bool|string filename or false
	public function has( $key, $ttl = null ) {
		if ( ! $this->enabled ) {
			return false;

		$filename = $this->filename( $key );

		if ( ! file_exists( $filename ) ) {
			return false;

		// Use ttl param or global ttl.
		if ( null === $ttl ) {
			$ttl = $this->ttl;
		} elseif ( $this->ttl > 0 ) {
			$ttl = min( (int) $ttl, $this->ttl );
		} else {
			$ttl = (int) $ttl;

		if ( $ttl > 0 && ( filemtime( $filename ) + $ttl ) < time() ) {
			if ( $this->ttl > 0 && $ttl >= $this->ttl ) {
				unlink( $filename );
			return false;

		return $filename;

	 * Write to cache file
	 * @param string $key      cache key
	 * @param string $contents file contents
	 * @return bool
	public function write( $key, $contents ) {
		$filename = $this->prepare_write( $key );

		if ( $filename ) {
			return file_put_contents( $filename, $contents ) && touch( $filename );

		return false;

	 * Read from cache file
	 * @param string $key cache key
	 * @param int    $ttl time to live
	 * @return bool|string file contents or false
	public function read( $key, $ttl = null ) {
		$filename = $this->has( $key, $ttl );

		if ( $filename ) {
			return file_get_contents( $filename );

		return false;

	 * Copy a file into the cache
	 * @param string $key    cache key
	 * @param string $source source filename
	 * @return bool
	public function import( $key, $source ) {
		$filename = $this->prepare_write( $key );

		if ( $filename ) {
			return copy( $source, $filename ) && touch( $filename );

		return false;

	 * Copy a file out of the cache
	 * @param string $key    cache key
	 * @param string $target target filename
	 * @param int    $ttl    time to live
	 * @return bool
	public function export( $key, $target, $ttl = null ) {
		$filename = $this->has( $key, $ttl );

		if ( $filename && $this->ensure_dir_exists( dirname( $target ) ) ) {
			return copy( $filename, $target );

		return false;

	 * Remove file from cache
	 * @param string $key cache key
	 * @return bool
	public function remove( $key ) {
		if ( ! $this->enabled ) {
			return false;

		$filename = $this->filename( $key );

		if ( file_exists( $filename ) ) {
			return unlink( $filename );

		return false;

	 * Clean cache based on time to live and max size
	 * @return bool
	public function clean() {
		if ( ! $this->enabled ) {
			return false;

		$ttl      = $this->ttl;
		$max_size = $this->max_size;

		// Unlink expired files.
		if ( $ttl > 0 ) {
			try {
				$expire = new DateTime();
				$expire->modify( '-' . $ttl . ' seconds' );

				$finder = $this->get_finder()->date( 'until ' . $expire->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) );
				foreach ( $finder as $file ) {
					unlink( $file->getRealPath() );
			} catch ( Exception $e ) {
				WP_CLI::error( $e->getMessage() );

		// Unlink older files if max cache size is exceeded.
		if ( $max_size > 0 ) {
			$files = array_reverse( iterator_to_array( $this->get_finder()->sortByAccessedTime()->getIterator() ) );
			$total = 0;

			foreach ( $files as $file ) {
				if ( ( $total + $file->getSize() ) <= $max_size ) {
					$total += $file->getSize();
				} else {
					unlink( $file->getRealPath() );

		return true;

	 * Remove all cached files.
	 * @return bool
	public function clear() {
		if ( ! $this->enabled ) {
			return false;

		$finder = $this->get_finder();

		foreach ( $finder as $file ) {
			unlink( $file->getRealPath() );

		return true;

	 * Remove all cached files except for the newest version of one.
	 * @return bool
	public function prune() {
		if ( ! $this->enabled ) {
			return false;

		/** @var Finder $finder */
		$finder = $this->get_finder()->sortByName();

		$files_to_delete = [];

		foreach ( $finder as $file ) {
			$pieces    = explode( '-', $file->getBasename( $file->getExtension() ) );
			$timestamp = end( $pieces );

			// No way to compare versions, do nothing.
			if ( ! is_numeric( $timestamp ) ) {

			$basename_without_timestamp = str_replace( '-' . $timestamp, '', $file->getBasename() );

			// There's a file with an older timestamp, delete it.
			if ( isset( $files_to_delete[ $basename_without_timestamp ] ) ) {
				unlink( $files_to_delete[ $basename_without_timestamp ] );

			$files_to_delete[ $basename_without_timestamp ] = $file->getRealPath();

		return true;

	 * Ensure directory exists
	 * @param string $dir directory
	 * @return bool
	protected function ensure_dir_exists( $dir ) {
		if ( ! is_dir( $dir ) ) {
			// Disable the cache if a null device like /dev/null is being used.
			if ( preg_match( '{(^|[\\\\/])(\$null|nul|NUL|/dev/null)([\\\\/]|$)}', $dir ) ) {
				return false;

			if ( ! @mkdir( $dir, 0777, true ) ) {
				$message = "Failed to create directory '{$dir}'";
				$error   = error_get_last();
				if ( is_array( $error ) && array_key_exists( 'message', $error ) ) {
					$message .= ": {$error['message']}";
				WP_CLI::warning( "{$message}." );
				return false;

		return true;

	 * Prepare cache write
	 * @param string $key cache key
	 * @return bool|string filename or false
	protected function prepare_write( $key ) {
		if ( ! $this->enabled ) {
			return false;

		$filename = $this->filename( $key );

		if ( ! $this->ensure_dir_exists( dirname( $filename ) ) ) {
			return false;

		return $filename;

	 * Validate cache key
	 * @param string $key cache key
	 * @return string relative filename
	protected function validate_key( $key ) {
		$url_parts = Utils\parse_url( $key, -1, false );
		if ( array_key_exists( 'path', $url_parts ) && ! empty( $url_parts['scheme'] ) ) { // is url
			$parts   = [ 'misc' ];
			$parts[] = $url_parts['scheme'] .
				( empty( $url_parts['host'] ) ? '' : '-' . $url_parts['host'] ) .
				( empty( $url_parts['port'] ) ? '' : '-' . $url_parts['port'] );
			$parts[] = substr( $url_parts['path'], 1 ) .
				( empty( $url_parts['query'] ) ? '' : '-' . $url_parts['query'] );
		} else {
			$key   = str_replace( '\\', '/', $key );
			$parts = explode( '/', ltrim( $key ) );

		$parts = preg_replace( "#[^{$this->whitelist}]#i", '-', $parts );

		return implode( '/', $parts );

	 * Filename from key
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return string filename
	protected function filename( $key ) {
		return $this->root . $this->validate_key( $key );

	 * Get a Finder that iterates in cache root only the files
	 * @return Finder
	protected function get_finder() {
		return Finder::create()->in( $this->root )->files();