(taxonomy)_term_edit_form_top хук-событиеWP 4.5.0

Fires at the beginning of the Edit Term form.

At this point, the required hidden fields and nonces have already been output.

The dynamic portion of the hook name, $taxonomy, refers to the taxonomy slug.

Possible hook names include:


add_action( '(taxonomy)_term_edit_form_top', 'wp_kama_taxonomy_term_edit_form_top_action', 10, 2 );

 * Function for `(taxonomy)_term_edit_form_top` action-hook.
 * @param WP_Term $tag      Current taxonomy term object.
 * @param string  $taxonomy Current $taxonomy slug.
 * @return void
function wp_kama_taxonomy_term_edit_form_top_action( $tag, $taxonomy ){

	// action...
Current taxonomy term object.
Current $taxonomy slug.

Список изменений

С версии 4.5.0 Введена.

Где вызывается хук

В файле: /wp-admin/edit-tag-form.php
wp-admin/edit-tag-form.php 136
do_action( "{$taxonomy}_term_edit_form_top", $tag, $taxonomy );

Где используется хук в WordPress

Использование не найдено.