get_object_terms хук-фильтрWP 4.2.0

Filters the terms for a given object or objects.


add_filter( 'get_object_terms', 'wp_kama_get_object_terms_filter', 10, 4 );

 * Function for `get_object_terms` filter-hook.
 * @param WP_Term[]|int[]|string[]|string $terms      Array of terms or a count thereof as a numeric string.
 * @param int[]                           $object_ids Array of object IDs for which terms were retrieved.
 * @param string[]                        $taxonomies Array of taxonomy names from which terms were retrieved.
 * @param array                           $args       Array of arguments for retrieving terms for the given object(s). See wp_get_object_terms() for details.
 * @return WP_Term[]|int[]|string[]|string
function wp_kama_get_object_terms_filter( $terms, $object_ids, $taxonomies, $args ){

	// filter...
	return $terms;
Array of terms or a count thereof as a numeric string.
Array of object IDs for which terms were retrieved.
Array of taxonomy names from which terms were retrieved.
Array of arguments for retrieving terms for the given object(s). See wp_get_object_terms() for details.

Список изменений

С версии 4.2.0 Введена.

Где вызывается хук

wp-includes/taxonomy.php 2338
$terms = apply_filters( 'get_object_terms', $terms, $object_ids, $taxonomies, $args );

Где используется хук в WordPress

Использование не найдено.