install_theme_complete_actions хук-фильтрWP 2.8.0

Filters the list of action links available following a single theme installation.


add_filter( 'install_theme_complete_actions', 'wp_kama_install_theme_complete_actions_filter', 10, 4 );

 * Function for `install_theme_complete_actions` filter-hook.
 * @param string[] $install_actions Array of theme action links.
 * @param object   $api             Object containing API theme data.
 * @param string   $stylesheet      Theme directory name.
 * @param WP_Theme $theme_info      Theme object.
 * @return string[]
function wp_kama_install_theme_complete_actions_filter( $install_actions, $api, $stylesheet, $theme_info ){

	// filter...
	return $install_actions;
Array of theme action links.
Object containing API theme data.
Theme directory name.
Theme object.

Список изменений

С версии 2.8.0 Введена.

Где вызывается хук

wp-admin/includes/class-theme-installer-skin.php 190
$install_actions = apply_filters( 'install_theme_complete_actions', $install_actions, $this->api, $stylesheet, $theme_info );

Где используется хук в WordPress

wp-admin/includes/class-theme-upgrader.php 155
add_filter( 'install_theme_complete_actions', array( $this, 'hide_activate_preview_actions' ) );
wp-admin/includes/class-theme-upgrader.php 170
add_filter( 'install_theme_complete_actions', '__return_false', 999 ); // Don't show any actions after installing the theme.
wp-admin/includes/class-theme-upgrader.php 183
add_filter( 'install_theme_complete_actions', array( $this, 'hide_activate_preview_actions' ) );
wp-admin/includes/class-theme-upgrader.php 187
remove_filter( 'install_theme_complete_actions', '__return_false', 999 );