Filters the css (post_content) and preprocessed (post_content_filtered) args for a custom_css post being updated.
This filter can be used by plugin that offer CSS pre-processors, to store the original pre-processed CSS in post_content_filtered then store processed CSS in post_content. When used in this way, the post_content_filtered be supplied as the setting value instead of post_content a the customize_value_custom_css filter, for example:
add_filter( 'customize_value_custom_css', function( $value, $setting ) { $post = wp_get_custom_css_post( $setting->stylesheet ); if ( $post && ! empty( $post->post_content_filtered ) ) { $css = $post->post_content_filtered; } return $css; }, 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'update_custom_css_data', 'wp_kama_update_custom_css_data_filter', 10, 2 ); /** * Function for `update_custom_css_data` filter-hook. * * @param array $data Custom CSS data. * @param array $args The args passed into `wp_update_custom_css_post()` merged with defaults. * * @return array */ function wp_kama_update_custom_css_data_filter( $data, $args ){ // filter... return $data; }
- $data(массив)
Custom CSS data.
CSS stored in post_content. - preprocessed(строка)
Pre-processed CSS stored in post_content_filtered. Normally empty string.
- $args(массив)
The args passed into wp_update_custom_css_post() merged with defaults.
The original CSS passed in to be updated. -
The original preprocessed CSS passed in to be updated. - stylesheet(строка)
The stylesheet (theme) being updated.
Список изменений
С версии 4.7.0 | Введена. |
Где вызывается хук
wp-includes/theme.php 2122
$data = apply_filters( 'update_custom_css_data', $data, array_merge( $args, compact( 'css' ) ) );