woocommerce_lost_password_confirmation_message хук-фильтрWC 1.0


add_filter( 'woocommerce_lost_password_confirmation_message', 'wp_kama_woocommerce_lost_password_confirmation_message_filter' );

 * Function for `woocommerce_lost_password_confirmation_message` filter-hook.
 * @param  $esc_html__ 
 * @return 
function wp_kama_woocommerce_lost_password_confirmation_message_filter( $esc_html__ ){

	// filter...
	return $esc_html__;

Где вызывается хук

В файле: /templates/myaccount/lost-password-confirmation.php
woocommerce/templates/myaccount/lost-password-confirmation.php 25
<p><?php echo esc_html( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_lost_password_confirmation_message', esc_html__( 'A password reset email has been sent to the email address on file for your account, but may take several minutes to show up in your inbox. Please wait at least 10 minutes before attempting another reset.', 'woocommerce' ) ) ); ?></p>

Где используется хук в WooCommerce

Использование не найдено.