wp_fatal_error_handler_enabled хук-фильтрWP 5.2.0

Filters whether the fatal error handler is enabled.

Important: This filter runs before it can be used by plugins. It cannot be used by plugins, mu-plugins, or themes. To use this filter you must define a $wp_filter global before WordPress loads, usually in wp-config.php.


$GLOBALS['wp_filter'] = array(
	'wp_fatal_error_handler_enabled' => array(
		10 => array(
				'accepted_args' => 0,
				'function'      => function() {
					return false;

Alternatively you can use the WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER constant.


add_filter( 'wp_fatal_error_handler_enabled', 'wp_kama_fatal_error_handler_enabled_filter' );

 * Function for `wp_fatal_error_handler_enabled` filter-hook.
 * @param bool $enabled True if the fatal error handler is enabled, false otherwise.
 * @return bool
function wp_kama_fatal_error_handler_enabled_filter( $enabled ){

	// filter...
	return $enabled;
True if the fatal error handler is enabled, false otherwise.

Список изменений

С версии 5.2.0 Введена.

Где вызывается хук

wp-includes/error-protection.php 139
return apply_filters( 'wp_fatal_error_handler_enabled', $enabled );

Где используется хук в WordPress

Использование не найдено.