ACF_Repeater_Table::row_handle()publicACF 6.0.0

Renders the row handle at the start of each row.

Метод класса: ACF_Repeater_Table{}

Хуков нет.


null. Ничего (null).


$ACF_Repeater_Table = new ACF_Repeater_Table();
$ACF_Repeater_Table->row_handle( $i );
$i(int) (обязательный)
The current row number.

Список изменений

С версии 6.0.0 Введена.

Код ACF_Repeater_Table::row_handle() ACF 6.0.4

public function row_handle( $i ) {
	if ( ! $this->show_order ) {

	$hr_row_num   = intval( $i ) + 1;
	$classes      = 'acf-row-handle order';
	$title        = __( 'Drag to reorder', 'acf' );
	$row_num_html = sprintf(
		'<span class="acf-row-number" title="%s">%d</span>',
		__( 'Click to reorder', 'acf' ),

	if ( ! empty( $this->field['pagination'] ) ) {
		$classes     .= ' pagination';
		$title        = '';
		$input        = sprintf( '<input type="number" class="acf-order-input" value="%d" style="display: none;" />', $hr_row_num );
		$row_num_html = '<div class="acf-order-input-wrap">' . $input . $row_num_html . '</div>';
	<td class="<?php echo $classes; ?>" title="<?php echo $title; ?>">
		<?php if ( $this->field['collapsed'] ) : ?>
			<a class="acf-icon -collapse small" href="#" data-event="collapse-row" title="<?php _e( 'Click to toggle', 'acf' ); ?>"></a>
		<?php endif; ?>
		<?php echo $row_num_html; ?>