acf_ajax_fetch_block()ACF 5.7.13

Handles the ajax request for block data.

Хуков нет.


null. Ничего (null).



Список изменений

С версии 5.7.13 Введена.

Код acf_ajax_fetch_block() ACF 6.0.4

function acf_ajax_fetch_block() {
	// Validate ajax request.
	if ( ! acf_verify_ajax() ) {

	// Get request args.
	$args = acf_request_args(
			'post_id'  => 0,
			'clientId' => null,
			'query'    => array(),

	$args['block']   = isset( $_REQUEST['block'] ) ? $_REQUEST['block'] : false; //phpcs:ignore -- requires auth; designed to contain unescaped html.
	$args['context'] = isset( $_REQUEST['context'] ) ? $_REQUEST['context'] : array(); //phpcs:ignore -- requires auth; designed to contain unescaped html.

	$block       = $args['block'];
	$query       = $args['query'];
	$client_id   = $args['clientId'];
	$raw_context = $args['context'];
	$post_id     = $args['post_id'];

	// Bail early if no block.
	if ( ! $block ) {

	// Unslash and decode $_POST data for block and context.
	$block = wp_unslash( $block );
	$block = json_decode( $block, true );

	$context = false;
	if ( ! empty( $raw_context ) ) {
		$raw_context = wp_unslash( $raw_context );
		$raw_context = json_decode( $raw_context, true );
		if ( is_array( $raw_context ) ) {
			$context = $raw_context;
			// Check if a postId is set in the context, otherwise try and use it the default post_id.
			$post_id = isset( $context['postId'] ) ? intval( $context['postId'] ) : intval( $args['post_id'] );

	// Check if clientId should become $block['id'].
	if ( empty( $block['id'] ) && ! empty( $client_id ) ) {
		$block['id'] = $client_id;

	// Prepare block ensuring all settings and attributes exist.
	$block = acf_prepare_block( $block );
	if ( ! $block ) {

	// Load field defaults when first previewing a block.
	if ( ! empty( $query['preview'] ) && ! $block['data'] ) {
		$fields = acf_get_block_fields( $block );
		foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
			$block['data'][ "_{$field['name']}" ] = $field['key'];

	// Setup postdata allowing form to load meta.
	acf_setup_meta( $block['data'], acf_ensure_block_id_prefix( $block['id'] ), true );

	// Setup main postdata for post_id.
	global $post;
	//phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited -- required for block template rendering.
	$post = get_post( $post_id );
	setup_postdata( $post );

	// Vars.
	$response = array( 'clientId' => $client_id );

	// Query form.
	if ( ! empty( $query['form'] ) ) {

		// Load fields for form.
		$fields = acf_get_block_fields( $block );

		// Prefix field inputs to avoid multiple blocks using the same name/id attributes.
		acf_prefix_fields( $fields, "acf-{$block['id']}" );

		if ( $fields ) {
			// Start Capture.

			// Render.
			echo '<div class="acf-block-fields acf-fields">';
				acf_render_fields( $fields, acf_ensure_block_id_prefix( $block['id'] ), 'div', 'field' );
			echo '</div>';

			// Store Capture.
			$response['form'] = ob_get_clean();
		} else {
			// There are no fields on this block.
			$response['form'] = acf_get_empty_block_form_html( $block['name'] ); //phpcs:ignore -- escaped in function.

	// Query preview.
	if ( ! empty( $query['preview'] ) ) {
		// Render_callback vars.
		$content    = '';
		$is_preview = true;

		// Render and store HTML.
		$response['preview'] = acf_rendered_block( $block, $content, $is_preview, $post_id, null, $context );

	// Send response.
	wp_send_json_success( $response );