acf_field_color_picker{}ACF 1.0

Хуков нет.


$acf_field_color_picker = new acf_field_color_picker();
// use class methods


  1. public format_value( $value, $post_id, $field )
  2. public initialize()
  3. public input_admin_enqueue_scripts()
  4. public render_field( $field )
  5. public render_field_settings( $field )
  6. private string_to_array( $value )

Код acf_field_color_picker{} ACF 6.0.4

class acf_field_color_picker extends acf_field {

	*  __construct
	*  This function will setup the field type data
	*  @type    function
	*  @date    5/03/2014
	*  @since   5.0.0
	*  @param   n/a
	*  @return  n/a

	function initialize() {

		// vars
		$this->name     = 'color_picker';
		$this->label    = __( 'Color Picker', 'acf' );
		$this->category = 'jquery';
		$this->defaults = array(
			'default_value'  => '',
			'enable_opacity' => false,
			'return_format'  => 'string', // 'string'|'array'


	*  input_admin_enqueue_scripts
	*  description
	*  @type    function
	*  @date    16/12/2015
	*  @since   5.3.2
	*  @param   $post_id (int)
	*  @return  $post_id (int)

	function input_admin_enqueue_scripts() {

		// Register scripts for non-admin.
		// Applies logic from wp_default_scripts() function defined in "wp-includes/script-loader.php".
		if ( ! is_admin() ) {
			$suffix  = defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
			$scripts = wp_scripts();
			$scripts->add( 'iris', '/wp-admin/js/iris.min.js', array( 'jquery-ui-draggable', 'jquery-ui-slider', 'jquery-touch-punch' ), '1.0.7', 1 );
			$scripts->add( 'wp-color-picker', "/wp-admin/js/color-picker$suffix.js", array( 'iris' ), false, 1 );

			// Handle localisation across multiple WP versions.
			// WP 5.0+
			if ( method_exists( $scripts, 'set_translations' ) ) {
				$scripts->set_translations( 'wp-color-picker' );
				// WP 4.9
			} else {
						'clear'            => __( 'Clear', 'acf' ),
						'clearAriaLabel'   => __( 'Clear color', 'acf' ),
						'defaultString'    => __( 'Default', 'acf' ),
						'defaultAriaLabel' => __( 'Select default color', 'acf' ),
						'pick'             => __( 'Select Color', 'acf' ),
						'defaultLabel'     => __( 'Color value', 'acf' ),

		// Enqueue alpha color picker assets.
			acf_get_url( 'assets/inc/color-picker-alpha/wp-color-picker-alpha.js' ),
			array( 'jquery', 'wp-color-picker' ),

		// Enqueue.
		wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' );
		wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-color-picker' );

				'colorPickerL10n' => array(
					'hex_string'  => __( 'Hex String', 'acf' ),
					'rgba_string' => __( 'RGBA String', 'acf' ),

	*  render_field()
	*  Create the HTML interface for your field
	*  @param   $field - an array holding all the field's data
	*  @type    action
	*  @since   3.6
	*  @date    23/01/13

	function render_field( $field ) {

		// vars
		$text_input   = acf_get_sub_array( $field, array( 'id', 'class', 'name', 'value' ) );
		$hidden_input = acf_get_sub_array( $field, array( 'name', 'value' ) );

		// Color picker alpha library requires a specific data attribute to exist.
		if ( $field['enable_opacity'] ) {
			$text_input['data-alpha-enabled'] = true;

		// html
	<div class="acf-color-picker">
		<?php acf_hidden_input( $hidden_input ); ?>
		<?php acf_text_input( $text_input ); ?>

	*  render_field_settings()
	*  Create extra options for your field. This is rendered when editing a field.
	*  The value of $field['name'] can be used (like bellow) to save extra data to the $field
	*  @type    action
	*  @since   3.6
	*  @date    23/01/13
	*  @param   $field  - an array holding all the field's data

	function render_field_settings( $field ) {

		// display_format
				'label'        => __( 'Default Value', 'acf' ),
				'instructions' => '',
				'type'         => 'text',
				'name'         => 'default_value',
				'placeholder'  => '#FFFFFF',

		// Toggle opacity control.
				'label'        => __( 'Enable Transparency', 'acf' ),
				'instructions' => '',
				'type'         => 'true_false',
				'name'         => 'enable_opacity',
				'ui'           => 1,

		// Return format control.
				'label'        => __( 'Return Format', 'acf' ),
				'instructions' => '',
				'type'         => 'radio',
				'name'         => 'return_format',
				'layout'       => 'horizontal',
				'choices'      => array(
					'string' => __( 'Hex String', 'acf' ),
					'array'  => __( 'RGBA Array', 'acf' ),


	 * Format the value for use in templates. At this stage, the value has been loaded from the
	 * database and is being returned by an API function such as get_field(), the_field(), etc.
	 * @since       5.10
	 * @date        15/12/20
	 * @param mixed $value
	 * @param int   $post_id
	 * @param array $field
	 * @return string|array
	public function format_value( $value, $post_id, $field ) {
		if ( isset( $field['return_format'] ) && $field['return_format'] === 'array' ) {
			$value = $this->string_to_array( $value );

		return $value;

	 * Convert either a Hexadecimal or RGBA string to an RGBA array.
	 * @since        5.10
	 * @date         15/12/20
	 * @param string $value
	 * @return array
	private function string_to_array( $value ) {
		// Trim Value
		$value = trim( $value );

		// Match and collect r,g,b values from 6 digit hex code. If there are 4
		// match-results, we have the values we need to build an r,g,b,a array.
		preg_match( '/^#([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})$/i', $value, $matches );
		if ( count( $matches ) === 4 ) {
			return array(
				'red'   => hexdec( $matches[1] ),
				'green' => hexdec( $matches[2] ),
				'blue'  => hexdec( $matches[3] ),
				'alpha' => (float) 1,

		// Match and collect r,g,b values from 3 digit hex code. If there are 4
		// match-results, we have the values we need to build an r,g,b,a array.
		// We have to duplicate the matched hex digit for 3 digit hex codes.
		preg_match( '/^#([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])$/i', $value, $matches );
		if ( count( $matches ) === 4 ) {
			return array(
				'red'   => hexdec( $matches[1] . $matches[1] ),
				'green' => hexdec( $matches[2] . $matches[2] ),
				'blue'  => hexdec( $matches[3] . $matches[3] ),
				'alpha' => (float) 1,

		// Attempt to match an rgba(…) or rgb(…) string (case-insensitive), capturing the decimals
		// as a string. If there are two match results, we have the RGBA decimal values as a
		// comma-separated string. Break it apart and, depending on the number of values, return
		// our formatted r,g,b,a array.
		preg_match( '/^rgba?\(([0-9,.]+)\)/i', $value, $matches );
		if ( count( $matches ) === 2 ) {
			$decimals = explode( ',', $matches[1] );

			// Handle rgba() format.
			if ( count( $decimals ) === 4 ) {
				return array(
					'red'   => (int) $decimals[0],
					'green' => (int) $decimals[1],
					'blue'  => (int) $decimals[2],
					'alpha' => (float) $decimals[3],

			// Handle rgb() format.
			if ( count( $decimals ) === 3 ) {
				return array(
					'red'   => (int) $decimals[0],
					'green' => (int) $decimals[1],
					'blue'  => (int) $decimals[2],
					'alpha' => (float) 1,

		return array(
			'red'   => 0,
			'green' => 0,
			'blue'  => 0,
			'alpha' => (float) 0,
