acf_field_post_object::get_ajax_query() │ public │ ACF 5.0.9
This function will return an array of data formatted for use in a select2 AJAX response
Метод класса: acf_field_post_object{}
$acf_field_post_object = new acf_field_post_object();
$acf_field_post_object->get_ajax_query( $options );
- $options **
- -
По умолчанию: array()
Список изменений
Код acf_field_post_object::get_ajax_query() acf field post object::get ajax query
ACF 6.0.4
function get_ajax_query( $options = array() ) {
// defaults
$options = acf_parse_args(
'post_id' => 0,
's' => '',
'field_key' => '',
'paged' => 1,
// load field
$field = acf_get_field( $options['field_key'] );
if ( ! $field ) {
return false;
// vars
$results = array();
$args = array();
$s = false;
$is_search = false;
// paged
$args['posts_per_page'] = 20;
$args['paged'] = $options['paged'];
// search
if ( $options['s'] !== '' ) {
// strip slashes (search may be integer)
$s = wp_unslash( strval( $options['s'] ) );
// update vars
$args['s'] = $s;
$is_search = true;
// post_type
if ( ! empty( $field['post_type'] ) ) {
$args['post_type'] = acf_get_array( $field['post_type'] );
} else {
$args['post_type'] = acf_get_post_types();
// taxonomy
if ( ! empty( $field['taxonomy'] ) ) {
// vars
$terms = acf_decode_taxonomy_terms( $field['taxonomy'] );
// append to $args
$args['tax_query'] = array();
// now create the tax queries
foreach ( $terms as $k => $v ) {
$args['tax_query'][] = array(
'taxonomy' => $k,
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $v,
// filters
$args = apply_filters( 'acf/fields/post_object/query', $args, $field, $options['post_id'] );
$args = apply_filters( 'acf/fields/post_object/query/name=' . $field['name'], $args, $field, $options['post_id'] );
$args = apply_filters( 'acf/fields/post_object/query/key=' . $field['key'], $args, $field, $options['post_id'] );
// get posts grouped by post type
$groups = acf_get_grouped_posts( $args );
// bail early if no posts
if ( empty( $groups ) ) {
return false;
// loop
foreach ( array_keys( $groups ) as $group_title ) {
// vars
$posts = acf_extract_var( $groups, $group_title );
// data
$data = array(
'text' => $group_title,
'children' => array(),
// convert post objects to post titles
foreach ( array_keys( $posts ) as $post_id ) {
$posts[ $post_id ] = $this->get_post_title( $posts[ $post_id ], $field, $options['post_id'], $is_search );
// order posts by search
if ( $is_search && empty( $args['orderby'] ) && isset( $args['s'] ) ) {
$posts = acf_order_by_search( $posts, $args['s'] );
// append to $data
foreach ( array_keys( $posts ) as $post_id ) {
$data['children'][] = $this->get_post_result( $post_id, $posts[ $post_id ] );
// append to $results
$results[] = $data;
// optgroup or single
$post_type = acf_get_array( $args['post_type'] );
if ( count( $post_type ) == 1 ) {
$results = $results[0]['children'];
// vars
$response = array(
'results' => $results,
'limit' => $args['posts_per_page'],
// return
return $response;