acf_form_front::render_form()publicACF 5.4.0



Метод класса: acf_form_front{}

Хуков нет.


$post_id. (int)


$acf_form_front = new acf_form_front();
$acf_form_front->render_form( $args );
$args **
По умолчанию: array()

Список изменений

С версии 5.4.0 Введена.

Код acf_form_front::render_form() ACF 6.0.4

function render_form( $args = array() ) {

	// Vars.
	$is_registered = false;
	$field_groups  = array();
	$fields        = array();

	// Allow form settings to be directly provided.
	if ( is_array( $args ) ) {
		$args = $this->validate_form( $args );

		// Otherwise, lookup registered form.
	} else {
		$is_registered = true;
		$args          = $this->get_form( $args );
		if ( ! $args ) {
			return false;

	// Extract vars.
	$post_id = $args['post_id'];

	// Prevent ACF from loading values for "new_post".
	if ( $post_id === 'new_post' ) {
		$post_id = false;

	// Set uploader type.
	acf_update_setting( 'uploader', $args['uploader'] );

	// Register local fields.
	foreach ( $this->fields as $k => $field ) {
		acf_add_local_field( $field );

	// Append post_title field.
	if ( $args['post_title'] ) {
		$_post_title          = acf_get_field( '_post_title' );
		$_post_title['value'] = $post_id ? get_post_field( 'post_title', $post_id ) : '';
		$fields[]             = $_post_title;

	// Append post_content field.
	if ( $args['post_content'] ) {
		$_post_content          = acf_get_field( '_post_content' );
		$_post_content['value'] = $post_id ? get_post_field( 'post_content', $post_id ) : '';
		$fields[]               = $_post_content;

	// Load specific fields.
	if ( $args['fields'] ) {

		// Lookup fields using $strict = false for better compatibility with field names.
		foreach ( $args['fields'] as $selector ) {
			$fields[] = acf_maybe_get_field( $selector, $post_id, false );

		// Load specific field groups.
	} elseif ( $args['field_groups'] ) {
		foreach ( $args['field_groups'] as $selector ) {
			$field_groups[] = acf_get_field_group( $selector );

		// Load fields for the given "new_post" args.
	} elseif ( $args['post_id'] == 'new_post' ) {
		$field_groups = acf_get_field_groups( $args['new_post'] );

		// Load fields for the given "post_id" arg.
	} else {
		$field_groups = acf_get_field_groups(
				'post_id' => $args['post_id'],

	// load fields from the found field groups.
	if ( $field_groups ) {
		foreach ( $field_groups as $field_group ) {
			$_fields = acf_get_fields( $field_group );
			if ( $_fields ) {
				foreach ( $_fields as $_field ) {
					$fields[] = $_field;

	// Add honeypot field.
	if ( $args['honeypot'] ) {
		$fields[] = acf_get_field( '_validate_email' );

	// Display updated_message
	if ( ! empty( $_GET['updated'] ) && $args['updated_message'] ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended -- Used as a flag; data not used.
		printf( $args['html_updated_message'], $args['updated_message'] );

	// display form
	if ( $args['form'] ) : ?>
<form <?php echo acf_esc_attrs( $args['form_attributes'] ); ?>>

	// Render hidde form data.
			'screen'  => 'acf_form',
			'post_id' => $args['post_id'],
			'form'    => $is_registered ? $args['id'] : acf_encrypt( json_encode( $args ) ),

	<div class="acf-fields acf-form-fields -<?php echo esc_attr( $args['label_placement'] ); ?>">
		<?php echo $args['html_before_fields']; ?>
		<?php acf_render_fields( $fields, $post_id, $args['field_el'], $args['instruction_placement'] ); ?>
		<?php echo $args['html_after_fields']; ?>
	<?php if ( $args['form'] ) : ?>
	<div class="acf-form-submit">
		<?php printf( $args['html_submit_button'], $args['submit_value'] ); ?>
		<?php echo $args['html_submit_spinner']; ?>
<?php endif;