acf_handle_json_block_registration()ACF 6.0.0

Handle an ACF block registered through block.json

Хуков нет.


Массив. Block registration settings with ACF required additions.


acf_handle_json_block_registration( $settings, $metadata );
$settings(массив) (обязательный)
The compiled block settings.
$metadata(массив) (обязательный)
The raw json metadata.

Список изменений

С версии 6.0.0 Введена.

Код acf_handle_json_block_registration() ACF 6.0.4

function acf_handle_json_block_registration( $settings, $metadata ) {
	if ( ! acf_is_acf_block_json( $metadata ) ) {
		return $settings;

	// Setup ACF defaults.
	$settings = wp_parse_args(
			'render_template'   => false,
			'render_callback'   => false,
			'enqueue_style'     => false,
			'enqueue_script'    => false,
			'enqueue_assets'    => false,
			'post_types'        => array(),
			'uses_context'      => array(),
			'supports'          => array(),
			'attributes'        => array(),
			'acf_block_version' => 2,
			'api_version'       => 2,

	// Add user provided attributes to ACF's required defaults.
	$settings['attributes'] = wp_parse_args(
		acf_get_block_type_default_attributes( $metadata ),

	// Add default ACF 'supports' settings.
	$settings['supports'] = wp_parse_args(
			'align' => true,
			'html'  => false,
			'mode'  => true,
			'jsx'   => true,

	// Add default ACF 'uses_context' settings.
	$settings['uses_context'] = array_unique(

	// Map custom ACF properties from the ACF key, with localization.
	$property_mappings = array(
		'renderCallback' => 'render_callback',
		'renderTemplate' => 'render_template',
		'mode'           => 'mode',
		'blockVersion'   => 'acf_block_version',
		'postTypes'      => 'post_types',
	$textdomain        = ! empty( $metadata['textdomain'] ) ? $metadata['textdomain'] : 'acf';
	$i18n_schema       = get_block_metadata_i18n_schema();

	foreach ( $property_mappings as $key => $mapped_key ) {
		if ( isset( $metadata['acf'][ $key ] ) ) {
			unset( $settings[ $key ] );
			$settings[ $mapped_key ] = $metadata['acf'][ $key ];
			if ( $textdomain && isset( $i18n_schema->$key ) ) {
				$settings[ $mapped_key ] = translate_settings_using_i18n_schema( $i18n_schema->$key, $settings[ $key ], $textdomain );

	// Add the block name and registration path to settings.
	$settings['name'] = $metadata['name'];
	$settings['path'] = dirname( $metadata['file'] );

	acf_get_store( 'block-types' )->set( $metadata['name'], $settings );
	add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'acf_enqueue_block_assets' );

	// Ensure our render callback is used.
	$settings['render_callback'] = 'acf_render_block_callback';

	return $settings;