acf_pro_check_defined_license()ACF 5.11.0

Check if a license is defined in wp-config.php and requires activation. Also checks if the license key has been changed and reactivates.

Хуков нет.


null. Ничего (null).



Список изменений

С версии 5.11.0 Введена.

Код acf_pro_check_defined_license() ACF 6.0.4

function acf_pro_check_defined_license() {

	// Bail early if the license is not defined in wp-config.
	if ( ! defined( 'ACF_PRO_LICENSE' ) || empty( ACF_PRO_LICENSE ) || ! is_string( ACF_PRO_LICENSE ) ) {

	// Bail early if no show_admin.
	if ( ! acf_get_setting( 'show_admin' ) ) {

	// Check if we've been asked to clear the transient to retry activation.
	if ( acf_verify_nonce( 'acf_delete_activation_transient' ) || ( isset( $_REQUEST['acf_retry_nonce'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['acf_retry_nonce'] ) ), 'acf_retry_activation' ) ) ) {
		delete_transient( 'acf_activation_error' );
	} else {
		// If we've failed activation recently, check if the key has been changed, otherwise return.
		$activation_data = acf_pro_get_activation_failure_transient();
		if ( $activation_data && $activation_data['license'] === ACF_PRO_LICENSE ) {

	// If we're already activated, check if the defined license key has changed.
	$license = acf_pro_get_license();
	if ( $license ) {

		// Check the saved license key against the defined key.
		if ( acf_pro_get_license_key() !== ACF_PRO_LICENSE ) {

			// Deactivate if the key has changed.
			$deactivation_response = acf_pro_deactivate_license( true );

			// A connection error occurred while trying to deactivate.
			if ( is_wp_error( $deactivation_response ) ) {

				return acf_pro_set_activation_failure_transient( __( '<b>ACF Activation Error</b>. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when connecting to activation server', 'acf' ) . ' <span class="description">(' . esc_html( $deactivation_response->get_error_message() ) . ').</span>', ACF_PRO_LICENSE );

				// A deactivation error occurred. Display the message returned by our API.
			} elseif ( ! $deactivation_response['success'] ) {

				return acf_pro_set_activation_failure_transient( __( '<b>ACF Activation Error</b>. Your defined license key has changed, but an error occurred when deactivating your old licence', 'acf' ) . ' <span class="description">(' . $deactivation_response['message'] . ').</span>', ACF_PRO_LICENSE );

		} else {

			// Check if the licence has been marked as invalid during the update check.
			$basename = acf_get_setting( 'basename' );
			$update   = acf_updates()->get_plugin_update( $basename );
			if ( isset( $update['license_valid'] ) && ! $update['license_valid'] ) {

				// Our site is not activated, so remove the license.
				acf_pro_update_license( '' );
			} else {

				// License key hasn't changed, we are activated and licence is still valid, return.

	// Activate the defined key license.
	$activation_response = acf_pro_activate_license( ACF_PRO_LICENSE, true );

	$error_text = false;

	// A connection error occurred during activation
	if ( is_wp_error( $activation_response ) ) {

		$error_text = __( '<b>ACF Activation Error</b>. An error occurred when connecting to activation server', 'acf' ) . ' <span class="description">(' . esc_html( $activation_response->get_error_message() ) . ').</span>';

		// A deactivation error occurred. Display the message returned by our API.
	} elseif ( ! $activation_response['success'] ) {

		$error_text = __( '<b>ACF Activation Error</b>', 'acf' ) . ': <span class="description">' . $activation_response['message'] . '.</span>';

	} else {

		// Delete any previously saved activation error transient.
		delete_transient( 'acf_activation_error' );

		// Prefix connect API success message with ACF as we could be outside of the ACF admin and display message.
		acf_add_admin_notice( '<b>ACF </b>' . acf_esc_html( $activation_response['message'] ), 'success' );


	return acf_pro_set_activation_failure_transient( $error_text, ACF_PRO_LICENSE );
