Display the stored activation error
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С версии 5.11.0 | Введена. |
Код acf_pro_display_activation_error() acf pro display activation error ACF 6.0.4
function acf_pro_display_activation_error() { // Return if we're not in admin. if ( ! is_admin() ) { return; } // Return if the current user cannot view ACF settings. if ( ! acf_current_user_can_admin() ) { return; } // Check if the transient exists. $activation_data = acf_pro_get_activation_failure_transient(); // Return if the transient does not exist. if ( ! $activation_data ) { return; } // Check if the license key is defined. If not, delete the transient. if ( ! defined( 'ACF_PRO_LICENSE' ) || empty( ACF_PRO_LICENSE ) || ! is_string( ACF_PRO_LICENSE ) ) { delete_transient( 'acf_activation_error' ); return; } // Append a retry link if we're not already on the settings page. global $plugin_page; if ( ! $plugin_page || 'acf-settings-updates' !== $plugin_page ) { $nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'acf_retry_activation' ); $check_again_url = admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=acf-field-group&page=acf-settings-updates&acf_retry_nonce=' . $nonce ); $activation_data['error'] = $activation_data['error'] . ' <a href="' . $check_again_url . '">' . __( 'Check Again', 'acf' ) . '</a>'; } // Add a non-dismissible error message with the activation error. acf_add_admin_notice( acf_esc_html( $activation_data['error'] ), 'error', false ); }