acf_render_block_callback()ACF 5.9.2

The render callback for all ACF blocks.

Хуков нет.


Строку. The block HTML.


acf_render_block_callback( $attributes, $content, $wp_block );
$attributes(массив) (обязательный)
The block attributes.
The block content.
По умолчанию: ''
The block instance (since WP 5.5).
По умолчанию: null

Список изменений

С версии 5.9.2 Введена.

Код acf_render_block_callback() ACF 6.0.4

function acf_render_block_callback( $attributes, $content = '', $wp_block = null ) {
	$is_preview = false;
	$post_id    = get_the_ID();

	// Set preview flag to true when rendering for the block editor.
	if ( is_admin() && acf_is_block_editor() ) {
		$is_preview = true;

	// Return rendered block HTML.
	return acf_rendered_block( $attributes, $content, $is_preview, $post_id, $wp_block );