
AbstractBlockTemplate{}WC 1.0

Block template class.

Хуков нет.


$AbstractBlockTemplate = new AbstractBlockTemplate();
// use class methods


  1. public cache_block( BlockInterface &$block )
  2. public generate_block_id( string $id_base )
  3. public get_area()
  4. public get_block( string $block_id )
  5. public get_description()
  6. public get_formatted_template()
  7. public get_id()
  8. public get_root_template()
  9. public get_title()
  10. public to_json()
  11. public uncache_block( string $block_id )

Код AbstractBlockTemplate{} WC 9.3.3

abstract class AbstractBlockTemplate implements BlockTemplateInterface {
	use BlockContainerTrait;

	 * Get the template ID.
	abstract public function get_id(): string;

	 * Get the template title.
	public function get_title(): string {
		return '';

	 * Get the template description.
	public function get_description(): string {
		return '';

	 * Get the template area.
	public function get_area(): string {
		return 'uncategorized';

	 * The block cache.
	 * @var BlockInterface[]
	private $block_cache = [];

	 * Get a block by ID.
	 * @param string $block_id The block ID.
	public function get_block( string $block_id ): ?BlockInterface {
		return $this->block_cache[ $block_id ] ?? null;

	 * Caches a block in the template. This is an internal method and should not be called directly
	 * except for from the BlockContainerTrait's add_inner_block() method.
	 * @param BlockInterface $block The block to cache.
	 * @throws \ValueError If a block with the specified ID already exists in the template.
	 * @throws \ValueError If the block template that the block belongs to is not this template.
	 * @ignore
	public function cache_block( BlockInterface &$block ) {
		$id = $block->get_id();

		if ( isset( $this->block_cache[ $id ] ) ) {
			throw new \ValueError( 'A block with the specified ID already exists in the template.' );

		if ( $block->get_root_template() !== $this ) {
			throw new \ValueError( 'The block template that the block belongs to must be the same as this template.' );

		$this->block_cache[ $id ] = $block;

	 * Uncaches a block in the template. This is an internal method and should not be called directly
	 * except for from the BlockContainerTrait's remove_block() method.
	 * @param string $block_id The block ID.
	 * @ignore
	public function uncache_block( string $block_id ) {
		if ( isset( $this->block_cache[ $block_id ] ) ) {
			unset( $this->block_cache[ $block_id ] );

	 * Generate a block ID based on a base.
	 * @param string $id_base The base to use when generating an ID.
	 * @return string
	public function generate_block_id( string $id_base ): string {
		$instance_count = 0;

		do {
			$block_id = $id_base . '-' . $instance_count;
		} while ( isset( $this->block_cache[ $block_id ] ) );

		return $block_id;

	 * Get the root template.
	public function &get_root_template(): BlockTemplateInterface {
		return $this;

	 * Get the inner blocks as a formatted template.
	public function get_formatted_template(): array {
		$inner_blocks = $this->get_inner_blocks_sorted_by_order();

		$inner_blocks_formatted_template = array_map(
			function( BlockInterface $block ) {
				return $block->get_formatted_template();

		return $inner_blocks_formatted_template;

	 * Get the template as JSON like array.
	 * @return array The JSON.
	public function to_json(): array {
		return array(
			'id'             => $this->get_id(),
			'title'          => $this->get_title(),
			'description'    => $this->get_description(),
			'area'           => $this->get_area(),
			'blockTemplates' => $this->get_formatted_template(),