ActionScheduler::init()public staticWC 1.0

Initialize the plugin

Метод класса: ActionScheduler{}


null. Ничего (null).


$result = ActionScheduler::init( $plugin_file );
$plugin_file(строка) (обязательный)

Код ActionScheduler::init() WC 9.3.3

public static function init( $plugin_file ) {
	self::$plugin_file = $plugin_file;
	spl_autoload_register( array( __CLASS__, 'autoload' ) );

	 * Fires in the early stages of Action Scheduler init hook.
	do_action( 'action_scheduler_pre_init' );

	require_once( self::plugin_path( 'functions.php' ) );

	$store      = self::store();
	$logger     = self::logger();
	$runner     = self::runner();
	$admin_view = self::admin_view();

	// Ensure initialization on plugin activation.
	if ( ! did_action( 'init' ) ) {
		add_action( 'init', array( $admin_view, 'init' ), 0, 0 ); // run before $store::init()
		add_action( 'init', array( $store, 'init' ), 1, 0 );
		add_action( 'init', array( $logger, 'init' ), 1, 0 );
		add_action( 'init', array( $runner, 'init' ), 1, 0 );

			 * Runs after the active store's init() method has been called.
			 * It would probably be preferable to have $store->init() (or it's parent method) set this itself,
			 * once it has initialized, however that would cause problems in cases where a custom data store is in
			 * use and it has not yet been updated to follow that same logic.
			function () {
				self::$data_store_initialized = true;

				 * Fires when Action Scheduler is ready: it is safe to use the procedural API after this point.
				 * @since 3.5.5
				do_action( 'action_scheduler_init' );
	} else {
		self::$data_store_initialized = true;

		 * Fires when Action Scheduler is ready: it is safe to use the procedural API after this point.
		 * @since 3.5.5
		do_action( 'action_scheduler_init' );

	if ( apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_load_deprecated_functions', true ) ) {
		require_once( self::plugin_path( 'deprecated/functions.php' ) );

	if ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) && WP_CLI ) {
		WP_CLI::add_command( 'action-scheduler', 'ActionScheduler_WPCLI_Scheduler_command' );
		WP_CLI::add_command( 'action-scheduler', 'ActionScheduler_WPCLI_Clean_Command' );
		if ( ! ActionScheduler_DataController::is_migration_complete() && Controller::instance()->allow_migration() ) {
			$command = new Migration_Command();

	 * Handle WP comment cleanup after migration.
	if ( is_a( $logger, 'ActionScheduler_DBLogger' ) && ActionScheduler_DataController::is_migration_complete() && ActionScheduler_WPCommentCleaner::has_logs() ) {

	add_action( 'action_scheduler/migration_complete', 'ActionScheduler_WPCommentCleaner::maybe_schedule_cleanup' );