ActionScheduler_AdminView_Deprecated::list_table_columns()publicWC 1.0

Completely customer the columns displayed on the Scheduled Actions administration screen.

Because we can't filter the content of the default title and date columns, we need to recreate our own custom columns for displaying those post fields. For the column content, @see self::list_table_column_content().

Метод класса: ActionScheduler_AdminView_Deprecated{}

Хуков нет.


Массив. $columns An associative array of columns that are use for the table on the Scheduled Actions administration screen.


$ActionScheduler_AdminView_Deprecated = new ActionScheduler_AdminView_Deprecated();
$ActionScheduler_AdminView_Deprecated->list_table_columns( $columns );
$columns(массив) (обязательный)
An associative array of columns that are use for the table on the Scheduled Actions administration screen.

Код ActionScheduler_AdminView_Deprecated::list_table_columns() WC 8.7.0

public function list_table_columns( $columns ) {
	_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '2.0.0' );
	return $columns;