ActionScheduler_AdminView_Deprecated::row_actions()public staticWC 1.0

Hide the inline "Edit" action for all 'scheduled-action' posts.

Hooked to the post_row_actions

Метод класса: ActionScheduler_AdminView_Deprecated{}

Хуков нет.


Массив. $actions An associative array of actions which can be performed on the 'scheduled-action' post type.


$result = ActionScheduler_AdminView_Deprecated::row_actions( $actions, $post );
$actions(массив) (обязательный)
An associative array of actions which can be performed on the 'scheduled-action' post type.
$post (обязательный)

Код ActionScheduler_AdminView_Deprecated::row_actions() WC 9.3.1

public static function row_actions( $actions, $post ) {
	_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '2.0.0' );
	return $actions;