Метод класса: ActionScheduler_LogEntry{}
Хуков нет.
. Ничего (null).
$ActionScheduler_LogEntry = new ActionScheduler_LogEntry(); $ActionScheduler_LogEntry->__construct( $action_id, $message, $date );
- $action_id(разное) (обязательный)
- Action ID
- $message(строка) (обязательный)
- Message
- $date(Datetime)
- Datetime object with the time when this log entry was created. If this parameter is not provided a new Datetime object (with current time) will be created.
По умолчанию: null
Код ActionScheduler_LogEntry::__construct() ActionScheduler LogEntry:: construct WC 9.3.3
public function __construct( $action_id, $message, $date = null ) { /* * ActionScheduler_wpCommentLogger::get_entry() previously passed a 3rd param of $comment->comment_type * to ActionScheduler_LogEntry::__construct(), goodness knows why, and the Follow-up Emails plugin * hard-codes loading its own version of ActionScheduler_wpCommentLogger with that out-dated method, * goodness knows why, so we need to guard against that here instead of using a DateTime type declaration * for the constructor's 3rd param of $date and causing a fatal error with older versions of FUE. */ if ( null !== $date && ! is_a( $date, 'DateTime' ) ) { _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, 'The third parameter must be a valid DateTime instance, or null.', '2.0.0' ); $date = null; } $this->action_id = $action_id; $this->message = $message; $this->date = $date ? $date : new Datetime; }