Returns a field value for a given object.
Метод класса: CheckoutFields{}
Хуки из метода
. The field value.
$CheckoutFields = new CheckoutFields(); $CheckoutFields->get_field_from_object( $key, $wc_object, $group );
- $key(строка) (обязательный)
- The field key.
- $wc_object(WC_Customer|WC_Order) (обязательный)
- The customer or order to get the field value for.
- $group(строка)
- The group to get the field value for (shipping|billing|other).
По умолчанию: 'other'
Код CheckoutFields::get_field_from_object() CheckoutFields::get field from object WC 9.6.1
public function get_field_from_object( string $key, WC_Data $wc_object, string $group = 'other' ) { if ( 'additional' === $group ) { wc_deprecated_argument( 'group', '8.9.0', 'The "additional" group is deprecated. Use "other" instead.' ); $group = 'other'; } $meta_key = self::get_group_key( $group ) . $key; $value = $wc_object->get_meta( $meta_key, true ); if ( ! $value && '0' !== $value ) { /** * Allow providing a default value for additional fields if no value is already set. * * @param null $value The default value for the filter, always null. * @param string $group The group of this key (shipping|billing|other). * @param WC_Data $wc_object The object to get the field value for. * * @since 8.9.0 */ $value = apply_filters( "woocommerce_get_default_value_for_{$key}", null, $group, $wc_object ); } // We cast the value to a boolean if the field is a checkbox. if ( $this->is_field( $key ) && 'checkbox' === $this->additional_fields[ $key ]['type'] ) { return '1' === $value; } if ( null === $value ) { return ''; } return $value; }