
FeatureGating{}WC 1.0

Service class that handles the feature flags.

Хуков нет.


$FeatureGating = new FeatureGating();
// use class methods


  1. public __construct( $flag = 0, $environment = 'unset' )
  2. public static get_core_flag()
  3. public get_environment()
  4. public static get_experimental_flag()
  5. public static get_feature_plugin_flag()
  6. public get_flag()
  7. public is_block_templates_controller_refactor_enabled()
  8. public is_development_environment()
  9. public is_experimental_build()
  10. public is_feature_plugin_build()
  11. public is_production_environment()
  12. public is_test_environment()
  13. public load_environment()
  14. public load_flag()

Код FeatureGating{} WC 8.7.0

class FeatureGating {

	 * Current flag value.
	 * @var int
	private $flag;

	const CORE_FLAG           = 1;

	 * Current environment
	 * @var string
	private $environment;

	const PRODUCTION_ENVIRONMENT  = 'production';
	const DEVELOPMENT_ENVIRONMENT = 'development';
	const TEST_ENVIRONMENT        = 'test';

	 * Constructor
	 * @param int    $flag        Hardcoded flag value. Useful for tests.
	 * @param string $environment Hardcoded environment value. Useful for tests.
	public function __construct( $flag = 0, $environment = 'unset' ) {
		$this->flag        = $flag;
		$this->environment = $environment;

	 * Set correct flag.
	public function load_flag() {
		if ( 0 === $this->flag ) {
			$default_flag = defined( 'WC_BLOCKS_IS_FEATURE_PLUGIN' ) ? self::FEATURE_PLUGIN_FLAG : self::CORE_FLAG;
			if ( file_exists( __DIR__ . '/../../../../blocks.ini' ) ) {
				$allowed_flags = [ self::EXPERIMENTAL_FLAG, self::FEATURE_PLUGIN_FLAG, self::CORE_FLAG ];
				$woo_options   = parse_ini_file( __DIR__ . '/../../../../blocks.ini' );
				$this->flag    = is_array( $woo_options ) && in_array( intval( $woo_options['woocommerce_blocks_phase'] ), $allowed_flags, true ) ? $woo_options['woocommerce_blocks_phase'] : $default_flag;
			} else {
				$this->flag = $default_flag;

		 * Set correct environment.
	public function load_environment() {
		if ( 'unset' === $this->environment ) {
			if ( file_exists( __DIR__ . '/../../../../blocks.ini' ) ) {
				$allowed_environments = [ self::PRODUCTION_ENVIRONMENT, self::DEVELOPMENT_ENVIRONMENT, self::TEST_ENVIRONMENT ];
				$woo_options          = parse_ini_file( __DIR__ . '/../../../../blocks.ini' );
				$this->environment    = is_array( $woo_options ) && in_array( $woo_options['woocommerce_blocks_env'], $allowed_environments, true ) ? $woo_options['woocommerce_blocks_env'] : self::PRODUCTION_ENVIRONMENT;
			} else {
				$this->environment = self::PRODUCTION_ENVIRONMENT;

	 * Returns the current flag value.
	 * @return int
	public function get_flag() {
		return $this->flag;

	 * Checks if we're executing the code in an experimental build mode.
	 * @return boolean
	public function is_experimental_build() {
		return $this->flag >= self::EXPERIMENTAL_FLAG;

	 * Checks if we're executing the code in an feature plugin or experimental build mode.
	 * @return boolean
	public function is_feature_plugin_build() {
		return $this->flag >= self::FEATURE_PLUGIN_FLAG;

	 * Returns the current environment value.
	 * @return string
	public function get_environment() {
		return $this->environment;

	 * Checks if we're executing the code in an development environment.
	 * @return boolean
	public function is_development_environment() {
		return self::DEVELOPMENT_ENVIRONMENT === $this->environment;

	 * Checks if we're executing the code in a production environment.
	 * @return boolean
	public function is_production_environment() {
		return self::PRODUCTION_ENVIRONMENT === $this->environment;

	 * Checks if we're executing the code in a test environment.
	 * @return boolean
	public function is_test_environment() {
		return self::TEST_ENVIRONMENT === $this->environment;

	 * Returns core flag value.
	 * @return number
	public static function get_core_flag() {
		return self::CORE_FLAG;

	 * Returns feature plugin flag value.
	 * @return number
	public static function get_feature_plugin_flag() {
		return self::FEATURE_PLUGIN_FLAG;

	 * Returns experimental flag value.
	 * @return number
	public static function get_experimental_flag() {
		return self::EXPERIMENTAL_FLAG;

	 * Check if the block templates controller refactor should be used to display blocks.
	 * @return boolean
	public function is_block_templates_controller_refactor_enabled() {
		if ( file_exists( __DIR__ . '/../../../../blocks.ini' ) ) {
			$conf = parse_ini_file( __DIR__ . '/../../../../blocks.ini' );
			return $this->is_development_environment() && isset( $conf['use_block_templates_controller_refactor'] ) && true === (bool) $conf['use_block_templates_controller_refactor'];
		return false;
