Fix for the HTML of the plugins list when there are feature-plugin incompatibility warnings.
WordPress renders the plugin information rows in the plugins page in <tr> elements as follows:
- If the plugin needs update, the <tr> will have an "update" class. This will prevent the lower border line to be drawn. Later an additional <tr> with an "update available" warning will be rendered, it will have a "plugin-update-tr" class which will draw the missing lower border line.
- Otherwise, the <tr> will be already drawn with the lower border line.
This is a problem for our rendering of the "plugin is incompatible with X features" warning:
- If the plugin info <tr> has "update", our <tr> will render nicely right after it; but then our own "plugin-update-tr" class will draw an additional line before the "needs update" warning.
- If not, the plugin info <tr> will render its lower border line right before our compatibility info <tr>.
This small script fixes this by adding the "update" class to the plugin info <tr> if it doesn't have it (so no extra line before our <tr>), or removing 'plugin-update-tr' from our <tr> otherwise (and then some extra manual tweaking of margins is needed).
Метод класса: FeaturesController{}
Хуков нет.
. Ничего (null).
// private - только в коде основоного (родительского) класса $result = $this->enqueue_script_to_fix_plugin_list_html( $current_screen ): void;
- $current_screen(строка) (обязательный)
- The current screen object.
Код FeaturesController::enqueue_script_to_fix_plugin_list_html() FeaturesController::enqueue script to fix plugin list html WC 9.3.3
private function enqueue_script_to_fix_plugin_list_html( $current_screen ): void { if ( 'plugins' !== $current_screen->id ) { return; } wc_enqueue_js( " const warningRows = document.querySelectorAll('tr[data-plugin-row-type=\"feature-incomp-warn\"]'); for(const warningRow of warningRows) { const pluginName = warningRow.getAttribute('data-plugin'); const pluginInfoRow = document.querySelector('[data-plugin=\"' + pluginName + '\"]:not(.plugin-update-tr), tr.inactive[data-plugin=\"' + pluginName + '\"]:not(.plugin-update-tr)'); if(pluginInfoRow.classList.contains('update')) { warningRow.classList.remove('plugin-update-tr'); warningRow.querySelector('.notice').style.margin = '5px 10px 15px 30px'; } else { pluginInfoRow.classList.add('update'); } } " ); }