
ImportInterface{}WC 1.0

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$ImportInterface = new ImportInterface();
// use class methods


  1. public static get_items( $limit, $page, $days, $skip_existing )
  2. public static get_total_imported()

Код ImportInterface{} WC 8.7.0

interface ImportInterface {
	 * Get items based on query and return IDs along with total available.
	 * @internal
	 * @param int      $limit Number of records to retrieve.
	 * @param int      $page  Page number.
	 * @param int|bool $days Number of days prior to current date to limit search results.
	 * @param bool     $skip_existing Skip already imported items.
	public static function get_items( $limit, $page, $days, $skip_existing );

	 * Get total number of items already imported.
	 * @internal
	 * @return null
	public static function get_total_imported();
