
Legacy::process_legacy_payment()publicWC 1.0

Attempt to process a payment for the checkout API if no payment methods support the woocommerce_rest_checkout_process_payment_with_context action.

Метод класса: Legacy{}

Хуков нет.


null. Ничего (null).


$Legacy = new Legacy();
$Legacy->process_legacy_payment( $context, $result );
$context(PaymentContext) (обязательный)
Holds context for the payment.
$result(PaymentResult) (обязательный)
Result of the payment.

Код Legacy::process_legacy_payment() WC 9.6.1

public function process_legacy_payment( PaymentContext $context, PaymentResult &$result ) {
	if ( $result->status ) {

	// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification
	$post_data = $_POST;

	// Set constants.
	wc_maybe_define_constant( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );

	// Add the payment data from the API to the POST global.
	$_POST = $context->payment_data;

	// Call the process payment method of the chosen gateway.
	$payment_method_object = $context->get_payment_method_instance();

	if ( ! $payment_method_object instanceof \WC_Payment_Gateway ) {


	// If errors were thrown, we need to abort.
	NoticeHandler::convert_notices_to_exceptions( 'woocommerce_rest_payment_error' );

	// Process Payment.
	$gateway_result = $payment_method_object->process_payment( $context->order->get_id() );

	// Restore $_POST data.
	$_POST = $post_data;

	// If `process_payment` added notices, clear them. Notices are not displayed from the API -- payment should fail,
	// and a generic notice will be shown instead if payment failed.

	// Handle result. If status was not returned we consider this invalid and return failure.
	$result_status = $gateway_result['result'] ?? 'failure';
	// These are the same statuses supported by the API and indicate processing status. This is not the same as order status.
	$valid_status = array( 'success', 'failure', 'pending', 'error' );
	$result->set_status( in_array( $result_status, $valid_status, true ) ? $result_status : 'failure' );

	// set payment_details from result.
	$result->set_payment_details( array_merge( $result->payment_details, $gateway_result ) );
	$result->set_redirect_url( $gateway_result['redirect'] ?? '' );