Get order year-months cache. We cache the results in the options table, since these results will change very infrequently. We use the heuristic to always return current year-month when getting from cache to prevent an additional query.
Метод класса: ListTable{}
Хуков нет.
. List of year-months.
// protected - в коде основоного (родительского) или дочернего класса $result = $this->get_and_maybe_update_months_filter_cache(): array;
Код ListTable::get_and_maybe_update_months_filter_cache() ListTable::get and maybe update months filter cache WC 9.3.3
protected function get_and_maybe_update_months_filter_cache(): array { global $wpdb; // We cache in the options table since it's won't be invalidated soon. $cache_option_value_name = 'wc_' . $this->order_type . '_list_table_months_filter_cache_value'; $cache_option_date_name = 'wc_' . $this->order_type . '_list_table_months_filter_cache_date'; $cached_timestamp = get_option( $cache_option_date_name, 0 ); // new day, new cache. if ( 0 === $cached_timestamp || gmdate( 'j', time() ) !== gmdate( 'j', $cached_timestamp ) || ( time() - $cached_timestamp ) > 60 * 60 * 24 ) { $cached_value = false; } else { $cached_value = get_option( $cache_option_value_name ); } if ( false !== $cached_value ) { // Always add current year month for cache stability. This allows us to not hydrate the cache on every order update. $current_year_month = new \stdClass(); $current_year_month->year = gmdate( 'Y', time() ); $current_year_month->month = gmdate( 'n', time() ); if ( count( $cached_value ) === 0 || ( $cached_value[0]->year !== $current_year_month->year || $cached_value[0]->month !== $current_year_month->month ) ) { array_unshift( $cached_value, $current_year_month ); } return $cached_value; } $orders_table = esc_sql( OrdersTableDataStore::get_orders_table_name() ); $utc_offset = wc_timezone_offset(); // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared $order_dates = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT DISTINCT YEAR( t.date_created_local ) AS year, MONTH( t.date_created_local ) AS month FROM ( SELECT DATE_ADD( date_created_gmt, INTERVAL $utc_offset SECOND ) AS date_created_local FROM $orders_table WHERE type = %s AND status != 'trash' ) t ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC ", $this->order_type ) ); update_option( $cache_option_date_name, time() ); update_option( $cache_option_value_name, $order_dates ); return $order_dates; }