PageController{} │ WC 1.0
Controls the different pages/screens associated to the "Orders" menu page.
Хуков нет.
$PageController = new PageController();
// use class methods
- ERROR: no method name found on line `}`
- ERROR: no method name found on line ``
- ERROR: no method name found on line `'admin_footer',`
- ERROR: no method name found on line ``
- public get_base_page_url( $order_type )
- ERROR: no method name found on line `*/`
- ERROR: no method name found on line `global $plugin_page;`
- ERROR: no method name found on line `}`
- public get_edit_url( int $order_id )
- ERROR: no method name found on line `* @var \WC_Order`
- public wc_get_order_types( 'view-order' )
- ERROR: no method name found on line ``
- public get_new_page_url( $order_type = 'shop_order' )
- public get_order_type()
- public get_orders_url()
- public Exception( sprintf( __( 'Invalid order type: %s.', 'woocommerce' ), esc_html( $order_type ) ) )
- ERROR: no method name found on line `*`
- ERROR: no method name found on line `$order_id`
- ERROR: no method name found on line `),`
- private handle_edit_lock()
- ERROR: no method name found on line ``
- public handle_load_page_action()
- ERROR: no method name found on line `*/`
- ERROR: no method name found on line `}`
- ERROR: no method name found on line `$type_match = $type === $this->order_type;`
- ERROR: no method name found on line `case 'edit':`
- ERROR: no method name found on line ``
- ERROR: no method name found on line `break;`
- public is_order_screen( $type = 'shop_order', $action = '' )
- ERROR: no method name found on line `}`
- ERROR: no method name found on line `*/`
- public is_locked_by_another_user( $this->order )
- public output()
- ERROR: no method name found on line `* Helper method to check if the current admin screen is related to orders.`
- private prepare_order_edit_form()
- public register_menu()
- public object (
- public if ( ! did_action( 'current_screen' ) )
- ERROR: no method name found on line `),`
- public esc_html__( '%s is not a valid order type.', 'woocommerce' )
- private set_order_type()
- public get_post_type_object( $this->order_type )
- ERROR: no method name found on line `break;`
- ERROR: no method name found on line ``
- ERROR: no method name found on line `* Helper method to generate edit link for an order.`
- public sprintf(
- ERROR: no method name found on line ``
- private set_action()
- public set_page_title( $admin_title )
- public setup()
- private setup_action_edit_order()
- private setup_action_list_orders()
- private setup_action_new_order()
- ERROR: no method name found on line `break;`
- private strip_http_referer()
- private verify_create_permission()
- private verify_edit_permission()
Код PageController{} PageController{}
WC 9.6.2
class PageController {
* The order type.
* @var string
private $order_type = '';
* Instance of the posts redirection controller.
* @var PostsRedirectionController
private $redirection_controller;
* Instance of the orders list table.
* @var ListTable
private $orders_table;
* Instance of orders edit form.
* @var Edit
private $order_edit_form;
* Current action.
* @var string
private $current_action = '';
* Order object to be used in edit/new form.
* @var \WC_Order
private $order;
* Verify that user has permission to edit orders.
* @return void
private function verify_edit_permission() {
if ( 'edit_order' === $this->current_action && ( ! isset( $this->order ) || ! $this->order ) ) {
wp_die( esc_html__( 'You attempted to edit an order that does not exist. Perhaps it was deleted?', 'woocommerce' ) );
if ( $this->order->get_type() !== $this->order_type ) {
wp_die( esc_html__( 'Order type mismatch.', 'woocommerce' ) );
if ( ! current_user_can( get_post_type_object( $this->order_type )->cap->edit_post, $this->order->get_id() ) && ! current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) ) {
wp_die( esc_html__( 'You do not have permission to edit this order', 'woocommerce' ) );
if ( 'trash' === $this->order->get_status() ) {
wp_die( esc_html__( 'You cannot edit this item because it is in the Trash. Please restore it and try again.', 'woocommerce' ) );
* Verify that user has permission to create order.
* @return void
private function verify_create_permission() {
if ( ! current_user_can( get_post_type_object( $this->order_type )->cap->publish_posts ) && ! current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) ) {
wp_die( esc_html__( 'You don\'t have permission to create a new order', 'woocommerce' ) );
if ( isset( $this->order ) ) {
* Claims the lock for the order being edited/created (unless it belongs to someone else).
* Also handles the 'claim-lock' action which allows taking over the order forcefully.
* @return void
private function handle_edit_lock() {
if ( ! $this->order ) {
$edit_lock = wc_get_container()->get( EditLock::class );
$locked = $edit_lock->is_locked_by_another_user( $this->order );
// Take over order?
if ( ! empty( $_GET['claim-lock'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['_wpnonce'] ?? '', 'claim-lock-' . $this->order->get_id() ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized,WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.MissingUnslash
$edit_lock->lock( $this->order );
wp_safe_redirect( $this->get_edit_url( $this->order->get_id() ) );
if ( ! $locked ) {
$edit_lock->lock( $this->order );
function() use ( $edit_lock ) {
$edit_lock->render_dialog( $this->order );
* Sets up the page controller, including registering the menu item.
* @return void
public function setup(): void {
global $plugin_page, $pagenow;
$this->redirection_controller = new PostsRedirectionController( $this );
// Register menu.
if ( 'admin_menu' === current_action() ) {
} else {
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'register_menu', 9 );
// Not on an Orders page.
if ( empty( $plugin_page ) || 'admin.php' !== $pagenow || 0 !== strpos( $plugin_page, 'wc-orders' ) ) {
$page_suffix = ( 'shop_order' === $this->order_type ? '' : '--' . $this->order_type );
add_action( 'load-woocommerce_page_wc-orders' . $page_suffix, array( $this, 'handle_load_page_action' ) );
add_action( 'admin_title', array( $this, 'set_page_title' ) );
* Perform initialization for the current action.
* @internal For exclusive usage of WooCommerce core, backwards compatibility not guaranteed.
public function handle_load_page_action() {
$screen = get_current_screen();
$screen->post_type = $this->order_type;
if ( method_exists( $this, 'setup_action_' . $this->current_action ) ) {
* Set the document title for Orders screens to match what it would be with the shop_order CPT.
* @param string $admin_title The admin screen title before it's filtered.
* @return string The filtered admin title.
* @internal For exclusive usage of WooCommerce core, backwards compatibility not guaranteed.
public function set_page_title( $admin_title ) {
if ( ! $this->is_order_screen( $this->order_type ) ) {
return $admin_title;
$wp_order_type = get_post_type_object( $this->order_type );
$labels = get_post_type_labels( $wp_order_type );
if ( $this->is_order_screen( $this->order_type, 'list' ) ) {
$admin_title = sprintf(
// translators: 1: The label for an order type 2: The name of the website.
esc_html__( '%1$s ‹ %2$s — WordPress', 'woocommerce' ),
esc_html( $labels->name ),
esc_html( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) )
} elseif ( $this->is_order_screen( $this->order_type, 'edit' ) ) {
$admin_title = sprintf(
// translators: 1: The label for an order type 2: The title of the order 3: The name of the website.
esc_html__( '%1$s #%2$s ‹ %3$s — WordPress', 'woocommerce' ),
esc_html( $labels->edit_item ),
absint( $this->order->get_id() ),
esc_html( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) )
} elseif ( $this->is_order_screen( $this->order_type, 'new' ) ) {
$admin_title = sprintf(
// translators: 1: The label for an order type 2: The name of the website.
esc_html__( '%1$s ‹ %2$s — WordPress', 'woocommerce' ),
esc_html( $labels->add_new_item ),
esc_html( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) )
return $admin_title;
* Determines the order type for the current screen.
* @return void
private function set_order_type() {
global $plugin_page;
$this->order_type = str_replace( array( 'wc-orders--', 'wc-orders' ), '', $plugin_page );
$this->order_type = empty( $this->order_type ) ? 'shop_order' : $this->order_type;
$wc_order_type = wc_get_order_type( $this->order_type );
$wp_order_type = get_post_type_object( $this->order_type );
if ( ! $wc_order_type || ! $wp_order_type || ! $wp_order_type->show_ui || ! current_user_can( $wp_order_type->cap->edit_posts ) ) {
* Sets the current action based on querystring arguments. Defaults to 'list_orders'.
* @return void
private function set_action(): void {
switch ( isset( $_GET['action'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['action'] ) ) : '' ) {
case 'edit':
$this->current_action = 'edit_order';
case 'new':
$this->current_action = 'new_order';
$this->current_action = 'list_orders';
* Registers the "Orders" menu.
* @return void
public function register_menu(): void {
$order_types = wc_get_order_types( 'admin-menu' );
foreach ( $order_types as $order_type ) {
$post_type = get_post_type_object( $order_type );
'wc-orders' . ( 'shop_order' === $order_type ? '' : '--' . $order_type ),
array( $this, 'output' )
// In some cases (such as if the authoritative order store was changed earlier in the current request) we
// need an extra step to remove the menu entry for the menu post type.
function() use ( $order_types ) {
foreach ( $order_types as $order_type ) {
remove_submenu_page( 'woocommerce', 'edit.php?post_type=' . $order_type );
* Outputs content for the current orders screen.
* @return void
public function output(): void {
switch ( $this->current_action ) {
case 'edit_order':
case 'new_order':
case 'list_orders':
* Handles initialization of the orders list table.
* @return void
private function setup_action_list_orders(): void {
$this->orders_table = wc_get_container()->get( ListTable::class );
'order_type' => $this->order_type,
if ( $this->orders_table->current_action() ) {
* Perform a redirect to remove the `_wp_http_referer` and `_wpnonce` strings if present in the URL (see also
* wp-admin/edit.php where a similar process takes place), otherwise the size of this field builds to an
* unmanageable length over time.
private function strip_http_referer(): void {
$current_url = esc_url_raw( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?? '' ) );
$stripped_url = remove_query_arg( array( '_wp_http_referer', '_wpnonce' ), $current_url );
if ( $stripped_url !== $current_url ) {
wp_safe_redirect( $stripped_url );
* Prepares the order edit form for creating or editing an order.
* @see \Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Orders\Edit.
* @since 8.1.0
private function prepare_order_edit_form(): void {
if ( ! $this->order || ! in_array( $this->current_action, array( 'new_order', 'edit_order' ), true ) ) {
$this->order_edit_form = $this->order_edit_form ?? new Edit();
$this->order_edit_form->setup( $this->order );
$this->order_edit_form->set_current_action( $this->current_action );
* Handles initialization of the orders edit form.
* @return void
private function setup_action_edit_order(): void {
global $theorder;
$this->order = wc_get_order( absint( isset( $_GET['id'] ) ? $_GET['id'] : 0 ) );
$theorder = $this->order;
* Handles initialization of the orders edit form with a new order.
* @return void
private function setup_action_new_order(): void {
global $theorder;
$order_class_name = wc_get_order_type( $this->order_type )['class_name'];
if ( ! $order_class_name || ! class_exists( $order_class_name ) ) {
$this->order = new $order_class_name();
$this->order->set_object_read( false );
$this->order->set_status( 'auto-draft' );
$this->order->set_created_via( 'admin' );
// Schedule auto-draft cleanup. We re-use the WP event here on purpose.
if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_scheduled_auto_draft_delete' ) ) {
wp_schedule_event( time(), 'daily', 'wp_scheduled_auto_draft_delete' );
$theorder = $this->order;
* Returns the current order type.
* @return string
public function get_order_type() {
return $this->order_type;
* Helper method to generate a link to the main orders screen.
* @return string Orders screen URL.
public function get_orders_url(): string {
return wc_get_container()->get( CustomOrdersTableController::class )->custom_orders_table_usage_is_enabled() ?
admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wc-orders' ) :
admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=shop_order' );
* Helper method to generate edit link for an order.
* @param int $order_id Order ID.
* @return string Edit link.
public function get_edit_url( int $order_id ) : string {
if ( ! wc_get_container()->get( CustomOrdersTableController::class )->custom_orders_table_usage_is_enabled() ) {
return admin_url( 'post.php?post=' . absint( $order_id ) ) . '&action=edit';
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
// Confirm we could obtain the order object (since it's possible it will not exist, due to a sync issue, or may
// have been deleted in a separate concurrent request).
if ( false === $order ) {
/* translators: %d order ID. */
__( 'Attempted to determine the edit URL for order %d, however the order does not exist.', 'woocommerce' ),
$order_type = 'shop_order';
} else {
$order_type = $order->get_type();
try {
$base_url = $this->get_base_page_url( $order_type );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
return '';
return add_query_arg(
'action' => 'edit',
'id' => absint( $order_id ),
* Helper method to generate a link for creating order.
* @param string $order_type The order type. Defaults to 'shop_order'.
* @return string
public function get_new_page_url( $order_type = 'shop_order' ) : string {
$url = wc_get_container()->get( CustomOrdersTableController::class )->custom_orders_table_usage_is_enabled() ?
add_query_arg( 'action', 'new', $this->get_base_page_url( $order_type ) ) :
admin_url( 'post-new.php?post_type=' . $order_type );
return $url;
* Helper method to generate a link to the main screen for a custom order type.
* @param string $order_type The order type.
* @return string
* @throws \Exception When an invalid order type is passed.
public function get_base_page_url( $order_type ): string {
$order_types_with_ui = wc_get_order_types( 'admin-menu' );
if ( ! in_array( $order_type, $order_types_with_ui, true ) ) {
// translators: %s is a custom order type.
throw new \Exception( sprintf( __( 'Invalid order type: %s.', 'woocommerce' ), esc_html( $order_type ) ) );
return admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wc-orders' . ( 'shop_order' === $order_type ? '' : '--' . $order_type ) );
* Helper method to check if the current admin screen is related to orders.
* @param string $type Optional. The order type to check for. Default shop_order.
* @param string $action Optional. The purpose of the screen to check for. 'list', 'edit', or 'new'.
* Leave empty to check for any order screen.
* @return bool
public function is_order_screen( $type = 'shop_order', $action = '' ) : bool {
if ( ! did_action( 'current_screen' ) ) {
// translators: %s is the name of a function.
esc_html__( '%s must be called after the current_screen action.', 'woocommerce' ),
esc_html( __METHOD__ )
return false;
$valid_types = wc_get_order_types( 'view-order' );
if ( ! in_array( $type, $valid_types, true ) ) {
// translators: %s is the name of an order type.
esc_html__( '%s is not a valid order type.', 'woocommerce' ),
esc_html( $type )
return false;
if ( wc_get_container()->get( CustomOrdersTableController::class )->custom_orders_table_usage_is_enabled() ) {
if ( $action ) {
switch ( $action ) {
case 'edit':
$is_action = 'edit_order' === $this->current_action;
case 'list':
$is_action = 'list_orders' === $this->current_action;
case 'new':
$is_action = 'new_order' === $this->current_action;
$is_action = false;
$type_match = $type === $this->order_type;
$action_match = ! $action || $is_action;
} else {
$screen = get_current_screen();
if ( $action ) {
switch ( $action ) {
case 'edit':
$screen_match = 'post' === $screen->base && filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'post', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT );
case 'list':
$screen_match = 'edit' === $screen->base;
case 'new':
$screen_match = 'post' === $screen->base && 'add' === $screen->action;
$screen_match = false;
$type_match = $type === $screen->post_type;
$action_match = ! $action || $screen_match;
return $type_match && $action_match;