Get the first found incentive details for a specific payment extension suggestion.
Метод класса: PaymentExtensionSuggestionIncentives{}
Хуков нет.
. The incentive details. Returns null if there is no incentive available.
$PaymentExtensionSuggestionIncentives = new PaymentExtensionSuggestionIncentives(); $PaymentExtensionSuggestionIncentives->get_incentive( $suggestion_id, $country_code, $incentive_type, $skip_visibility_check ): ?array;
- $suggestion_id(строка) (обязательный)
- The suggestion ID.
- $country_code(строка) (обязательный)
- The business location country code to get incentives for.
- $incentive_type(строка)
- The type of incentive to check for.
По умолчанию: '' - $skip_visibility_check(true|false)
- Whether to skip the visibility check for the incentives.
По умолчанию: false
Код PaymentExtensionSuggestionIncentives::get_incentive() PaymentExtensionSuggestionIncentives::get incentive WC 9.6.0
public function get_incentive( string $suggestion_id, string $country_code, string $incentive_type = '', bool $skip_visibility_check = false ): ?array { $incentives = $this->get_incentives( $suggestion_id, $country_code, $incentive_type, $skip_visibility_check ); if ( empty( $incentives ) ) { return null; } return reset( $incentives ); }