Get the base details of a payment extension by its plugin slug.
If there are multiple extensions with the same plugin slug, the first one found will be returned.
Метод класса: PaymentExtensionSuggestions{}
Хуков нет.
. The extension details for the given plugin slug. Null if not found.
$PaymentExtensionSuggestions = new PaymentExtensionSuggestions(); $PaymentExtensionSuggestions->get_by_plugin_slug( $plugin_slug, $country_code, $context ): ?array;
- $plugin_slug(строка) (обязательный)
- The plugin slug.
- $country_code(строка)
- The two-letter country code for which the extension suggestion should be retrieved.
По умолчанию: '' - $context(строка)
- The context ID of where this extension suggestion is being used.
По умолчанию: ''
Код PaymentExtensionSuggestions::get_by_plugin_slug() PaymentExtensionSuggestions::get by plugin slug WC 9.6.0
public function get_by_plugin_slug( string $plugin_slug, string $country_code = '', string $context = '' ): ?array { $plugin_slug = sanitize_title( $plugin_slug ); // If we have a country code, try to find a fully localized extension suggestion. if ( ! empty( $country_code ) ) { $extensions = $this->get_country_extensions( $country_code, $context ); foreach ( $extensions as $extension_details ) { if ( isset( $extension_details['plugin']['slug'] ) && $plugin_slug === $extension_details['plugin']['slug'] ) { // The extension details are already standardized. return $extension_details; } } } // Fallback to the base details. $extensions = $this->get_all_extensions_base_details(); foreach ( $extensions as $extension_id => $extension_details ) { if ( isset( $extension_details['plugin']['slug'] ) && $plugin_slug === $extension_details['plugin']['slug'] ) { $extension_details['id'] = $extension_id; $extension_details['_priority'] = 0; return $this->standardize_extension_details( $extension_details ); } } return null; }