Render the block.
Метод класса: StoreNotices{}
Хуков нет.
. | void Rendered block output.
// protected - в коде основоного (родительского) или дочернего класса $result = $this->render( $attributes, $content, $block );
- $attributes(массив) (обязательный)
- Block attributes.
- $content(строка) (обязательный)
- Block content.
- $block(WP_Block) (обязательный)
- Block instance.
Код StoreNotices::render() StoreNotices::render WC 9.5.1
protected function render( $attributes, $content, $block ) { /** * This block should be rendered only on the frontend. Woo loads notice * functions on the front end requests only. So it's safe and handy to * check for the print notice function existence to short circuit the * render process on the admin side. * See WooCommerce::is_request() for the frontend request definition. */ if ( ! function_exists( 'wc_print_notices' ) ) { return $content; } ob_start(); woocommerce_output_all_notices(); $notices = ob_get_clean(); if ( ! $notices ) { return; } $classes_and_styles = StyleAttributesUtils::get_classes_and_styles_by_attributes( $attributes, array(), array( 'extra_classes' ) ); return sprintf( '<div %1$s>%2$s</div>', get_block_wrapper_attributes( array( 'class' => 'wc-block-store-notices woocommerce ' . esc_attr( $classes_and_styles['classes'] ), ) ), wc_kses_notice( $notices ) ); }