Callback for the woocommerce_marketplace_menu_items in Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Marketplace::get_marketplace_pages. At the moment, the Extensions page is the only page in $menu_items. Adds a bubble to the menu item.
Метод класса: WC_Admin_Marketplace_Promotions{}
Хуков нет.
$result = WC_Admin_Marketplace_Promotions::filter_marketplace_menu_items( $menu_items, $promotion ): array;
- $menu_items(массив) (обязательный)
- Arrays representing items in nav menu.
- $promotion(?array)
- Data about a promotion from the WooCommerce.com API.
По умолчанию: array()
Код WC_Admin_Marketplace_Promotions::filter_marketplace_menu_items() WC Admin Marketplace Promotions::filter marketplace menu items WC 9.4.2
public static function filter_marketplace_menu_items( $menu_items, $promotion = array() ): array { if ( ! isset( $promotion['menu_item_id'] ) || ! isset( $promotion['content'] ) ) { return $menu_items; } foreach ( $menu_items as $index => $menu_item ) { if ( 'woocommerce' === $menu_item['parent'] && $promotion['menu_item_id'] === $menu_item['id'] ) { $bubble_text = $promotion['content'][ self::$locale ] ?? ( $promotion['content']['en_US'] ?? __( 'Sale', 'woocommerce' ) ); $menu_items[ $index ]['title'] = self::append_bubble( $menu_item['title'], $bubble_text ); break; } } return $menu_items; }