Helper function to get the formatted description and tip HTML for a given form field. Plugins can call this when implementing their own custom settings types.
Метод класса: WC_Admin_Settings{}
Хуков нет.
. The description and tip as a 2 element array.
$result = WC_Admin_Settings::get_field_description( $value );
- $value(массив) (обязательный)
- The form field value array.
Код WC_Admin_Settings::get_field_description() WC Admin Settings::get field description WC 9.5.1
public static function get_field_description( $value ) { $description = ''; $tooltip_html = ''; if ( true === $value['desc_tip'] ) { $tooltip_html = $value['desc']; } elseif ( ! empty( $value['desc_tip'] ) ) { $description = $value['desc']; $tooltip_html = $value['desc_tip']; } elseif ( ! empty( $value['desc'] ) ) { $description = $value['desc']; } $error_class = ( ! empty( $value['description_is_error'] ) ) ? 'is-error' : ''; if ( $description && in_array( $value['type'], array( 'textarea', 'radio' ), true ) ) { $description = '<p style="margin-top:0">' . wp_kses_post( $description ) . '</p>'; } elseif ( $description && in_array( $value['type'], array( 'checkbox' ), true ) ) { $description = wp_kses_post( $description ); } elseif ( $description ) { $description = '<p class="description ' . $error_class . '">' . wp_kses_post( $description ) . '</p>'; } if ( $tooltip_html && in_array( $value['type'], array( 'checkbox' ), true ) ) { $tooltip_html = '<p class="description ' . $error_class . '">' . $tooltip_html . '</p>'; } elseif ( $tooltip_html ) { $tooltip_html = wc_help_tip( $tooltip_html ); } return array( 'description' => $description, 'tooltip_html' => $tooltip_html, ); }