WC_Brands_Block_Templates::has_block_template()publicWC 1.0

Fixes a bug regarding taxonomies and FSE. Without this, the system will always load archive-product.php version instead of taxonomy_product_brand.html it will show a deprecation error if that happens.

Triggered by woocommerce_has_block_template filter

Метод класса: WC_Brands_Block_Templates{}

Хуков нет.


true|false. True if the system is checking archive-product


$WC_Brands_Block_Templates = new WC_Brands_Block_Templates();
$WC_Brands_Block_Templates->has_block_template( $has_template, $template_name );
$has_template(true|false) (обязательный)
True if the template is available.
$template_name(строка) (обязательный)
The name of the template.

Код WC_Brands_Block_Templates::has_block_template() WC 9.6.1

public function has_block_template( $has_template, $template_name ) {
	if ( 'archive-product' === $template_name || 'taxonomy-product_brand' === $template_name ) {
		$has_template = true;

	return $has_template;