WC_Discounts::apply_coupon_custom()protectedWC 3.3

Apply custom coupon discount to items.

Метод класса: WC_Discounts{}


int. Total discounted.


// protected - в коде основоного (родительского) или дочернего класса
$result = $this->apply_coupon_custom( $coupon, $items_to_apply );
$coupon(WC_Coupon) (обязательный)
Coupon object. Passed through filters.
$items_to_apply(массив) (обязательный)
Array of items to apply the coupon to.

Список изменений

С версии 3.3 Введена.

Код WC_Discounts::apply_coupon_custom() WC 9.5.1

protected function apply_coupon_custom( $coupon, $items_to_apply ) {
	$limit_usage_qty = 0;
	$applied_count   = 0;

	if ( null !== $coupon->get_limit_usage_to_x_items() ) {
		$limit_usage_qty = $coupon->get_limit_usage_to_x_items();

	// Apply the coupon to each item.
	foreach ( $items_to_apply as $item ) {
		// Find out how much price is available to discount for the item.
		$discounted_price = $this->get_discounted_price_in_cents( $item );

		// Get the price we actually want to discount, based on settings.
		$price_to_discount = wc_remove_number_precision( ( 'yes' === get_option( 'woocommerce_calc_discounts_sequentially', 'no' ) ) ? $discounted_price : $item->price );

		// See how many and what price to apply to.
		$apply_quantity = $limit_usage_qty && ( $limit_usage_qty - $applied_count ) < $item->quantity ? $limit_usage_qty - $applied_count : $item->quantity;
		$apply_quantity = max( 0, apply_filters( 'woocommerce_coupon_get_apply_quantity', $apply_quantity, $item, $coupon, $this ) );

		// Run coupon calculations.
		$discount      = wc_add_number_precision( $coupon->get_discount_amount( $price_to_discount / $item->quantity, $item->object, true ) ) * $apply_quantity;
		$discount      = wc_round_discount( min( $discounted_price, $discount ), 0 );
		$applied_count = $applied_count + $apply_quantity;

		// Store code and discount amount per item.
		$this->discounts[ $coupon->get_code() ][ $item->key ] += $discount;

	// Allow post-processing for custom coupon types (e.g. calculating discrepancy, etc).
	$this->discounts[ $coupon->get_code() ] = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_coupon_custom_discounts_array', $this->discounts[ $coupon->get_code() ], $coupon );

	return array_sum( $this->discounts[ $coupon->get_code() ] );