WC_Download_Handler::parse_file_path()public staticWC 1.0

Parse file path and see if its remote or local.

Метод класса: WC_Download_Handler{}




$result = WC_Download_Handler::parse_file_path( $file_path );
$file_path(строка) (обязательный)
File path.

Код WC_Download_Handler::parse_file_path() WC 9.2.3

public static function parse_file_path( $file_path ) {
	$wp_uploads     = wp_upload_dir();
	$wp_uploads_dir = $wp_uploads['basedir'];
	$wp_uploads_url = $wp_uploads['baseurl'];

	 * Replace uploads dir, site url etc with absolute counterparts if we can.
	 * Note the str_replace on site_url is on purpose, so if https is forced
	 * via filters we can still do the string replacement on a HTTP file.
	$replacements = array(
		$wp_uploads_url                                                   => $wp_uploads_dir,
		network_site_url( '/', 'https' )                                  => ABSPATH,
		str_replace( 'https:', 'http:', network_site_url( '/', 'http' ) ) => ABSPATH,
		site_url( '/', 'https' )                                          => ABSPATH,
		str_replace( 'https:', 'http:', site_url( '/', 'http' ) )         => ABSPATH,

	$count            = 0;
	$file_path        = str_replace( array_keys( $replacements ), array_values( $replacements ), $file_path, $count );
	$parsed_file_path = wp_parse_url( $file_path );
	$remote_file      = null === $count || 0 === $count; // Remote file only if there were no replacements.

	// Paths that begin with '//' are always remote URLs.
	if ( '//' === substr( $file_path, 0, 2 ) ) {
		$file_path = ( is_ssl() ? 'https:' : 'http:' ) . $file_path;

		 * Filter the remote filepath for download.
		 * @since 6.5.0
		 * @param string $file_path File path.
		return array(
			'remote_file' => true,
			'file_path'   => apply_filters( 'woocommerce_download_parse_remote_file_path', $file_path ),

	// See if path needs an abspath prepended to work.
	if ( file_exists( ABSPATH . $file_path ) ) {
		$remote_file = false;
		$file_path   = ABSPATH . $file_path;

	} elseif ( '/wp-content' === substr( $file_path, 0, 11 ) ) {
		$remote_file = false;
		$file_path   = realpath( WP_CONTENT_DIR . substr( $file_path, 11 ) );

		// Check if we have an absolute path.
	} elseif ( ( ! isset( $parsed_file_path['scheme'] ) || ! in_array( $parsed_file_path['scheme'], array( 'http', 'https', 'ftp' ), true ) ) && isset( $parsed_file_path['path'] ) ) {
		$remote_file = false;
		$file_path   = $parsed_file_path['path'];

	* Filter the filepath for download.
	* @since 6.5.0
	* @param string  $file_path File path.
	* @param bool $remote_file Remote File Indicator.
	return array(
		'remote_file' => $remote_file,
		'file_path'   => apply_filters( 'woocommerce_download_parse_file_path', $file_path, $remote_file ),