Activate a WooCommerce.com product. This activates the plugin/theme on the site.
Метод класса: WC_Helper_Subscriptions_API{}
Хуков нет.
. Ничего (null).
$result = WC_Helper_Subscriptions_API::activate( $request );
- $request(WP_REST_Request) (обязательный)
- Request object.
Код WC_Helper_Subscriptions_API::activate() WC Helper Subscriptions API::activate WC 9.4.2
public static function activate( $request ) { $product_key = $request->get_param( 'product_key' ); $subscription = WC_Helper::get_subscription( $product_key ); if ( ! $subscription ) { wp_send_json_error( array( 'message' => __( 'We couldn\'t find a subscription for this product.', 'woocommerce' ), ), 400 ); } if ( true !== $subscription['local']['installed'] || ! isset( $subscription['local']['active'] ) ) { wp_send_json_error( array( 'message' => __( 'This product is not installed.', 'woocommerce' ), ), 400 ); } if ( true === $subscription['local']['active'] ) { wp_send_json_success( array( 'message' => __( 'This product is already active.', 'woocommerce' ), ), ); } if ( 'plugin' === $subscription['product_type'] ) { $success = activate_plugin( $subscription['local']['path'] ); if ( is_wp_error( $success ) ) { wp_send_json_error( array( 'message' => __( 'There was an error activating this plugin.', 'woocommerce' ), ), 400 ); } } elseif ( 'theme' === $subscription['product_type'] ) { switch_theme( $subscription['local']['slug'] ); $theme = wp_get_theme(); if ( $subscription['local']['slug'] !== $theme->get_stylesheet() ) { wp_send_json_error( array( 'message' => __( 'There was an error activating this theme.', 'woocommerce' ), ), 400 ); } } wp_send_json_success( array( 'message' => __( 'This product has been activated.', 'woocommerce' ), ), ); }