WC_Privacy_Erasers::remove_order_personal_data()public staticWC 1.0

Remove personal data specific to WooCommerce from an order object.

Note; this will hinder order processing for obvious reasons!

Метод класса: WC_Privacy_Erasers{}


null. Ничего (null).


$result = WC_Privacy_Erasers::remove_order_personal_data( $order );
$order(WC_Order) (обязательный)
Order object.

Код WC_Privacy_Erasers::remove_order_personal_data() WC 8.7.0

public static function remove_order_personal_data( $order ) {
	$anonymized_data = array();

	 * Allow extensions to remove their own personal data for this order first, so order data is still available.
	 * @since 3.4.0
	 * @param WC_Order $order A customer object.
	do_action( 'woocommerce_privacy_before_remove_order_personal_data', $order );

	 * Expose props and data types we'll be anonymizing.
	 * @since 3.4.0
	 * @param array    $props Keys are the prop names, values are the data type we'll be passing to wp_privacy_anonymize_data().
	 * @param WC_Order $order A customer object.
	$props_to_remove = apply_filters(
			'customer_ip_address' => 'ip',
			'customer_user_agent' => 'text',
			'billing_first_name'  => 'text',
			'billing_last_name'   => 'text',
			'billing_company'     => 'text',
			'billing_address_1'   => 'text',
			'billing_address_2'   => 'text',
			'billing_city'        => 'text',
			'billing_postcode'    => 'text',
			'billing_state'       => 'address_state',
			'billing_country'     => 'address_country',
			'billing_phone'       => 'phone',
			'billing_email'       => 'email',
			'shipping_first_name' => 'text',
			'shipping_last_name'  => 'text',
			'shipping_company'    => 'text',
			'shipping_address_1'  => 'text',
			'shipping_address_2'  => 'text',
			'shipping_city'       => 'text',
			'shipping_postcode'   => 'text',
			'shipping_state'      => 'address_state',
			'shipping_country'    => 'address_country',
			'shipping_phone'      => 'phone',
			'customer_id'         => 'numeric_id',
			'transaction_id'      => 'numeric_id',

	if ( ! empty( $props_to_remove ) && is_array( $props_to_remove ) ) {
		foreach ( $props_to_remove as $prop => $data_type ) {
			// Get the current value in edit context.
			$value = $order->{"get_$prop"}( 'edit' );

			// If the value is empty, it does not need to be anonymized.
			if ( empty( $value ) || empty( $data_type ) ) {

			$anon_value = function_exists( 'wp_privacy_anonymize_data' ) ? wp_privacy_anonymize_data( $data_type, $value ) : '';

			 * Expose a way to control the anonymized value of a prop via 3rd party code.
			 * @since 3.4.0
			 * @param string   $anon_value Value of this prop after anonymization.
			 * @param string   $prop Name of the prop being removed.
			 * @param string   $value Current value of the data.
			 * @param string   $data_type Type of data.
			 * @param WC_Order $order An order object.
			$anonymized_data[ $prop ] = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_privacy_remove_order_personal_data_prop_value', $anon_value, $prop, $value, $data_type, $order );

	// Set all new props and persist the new data to the database.
	$order->set_props( $anonymized_data );

	// Remove meta data.
	$meta_to_remove = apply_filters(
			'Payer first name'     => 'text',
			'Payer last name'      => 'text',
			'Payer PayPal address' => 'email',
			'Transaction ID'       => 'numeric_id',

	if ( ! empty( $meta_to_remove ) && is_array( $meta_to_remove ) ) {
		foreach ( $meta_to_remove as $meta_key => $data_type ) {
			$value = $order->get_meta( $meta_key );

			// If the value is empty, it does not need to be anonymized.
			if ( empty( $value ) || empty( $data_type ) ) {

			$anon_value = function_exists( 'wp_privacy_anonymize_data' ) ? wp_privacy_anonymize_data( $data_type, $value ) : '';

			 * Expose a way to control the anonymized value of a value via 3rd party code.
			 * @since 3.4.0
			 * @param string   $anon_value Value of this data after anonymization.
			 * @param string   $prop meta_key key being removed.
			 * @param string   $value Current value of the data.
			 * @param string   $data_type Type of data.
			 * @param WC_Order $order An order object.
			$anon_value = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_privacy_remove_order_personal_data_meta_value', $anon_value, $meta_key, $value, $data_type, $order );

			if ( $anon_value ) {
				$order->update_meta_data( $meta_key, $anon_value );
			} else {
				$order->delete_meta_data( $meta_key );

	$order->update_meta_data( '_anonymized', 'yes' );

	// Delete order notes which can contain PII.
	$notes = wc_get_order_notes(
			'order_id' => $order->get_id(),

	foreach ( $notes as $note ) {
		wc_delete_order_note( $note->id );

	// Add note that this event occurred.
	$order->add_order_note( __( 'Personal data removed.', 'woocommerce' ) );

	 * Allow extensions to remove their own personal data for this order.
	 * @since 3.4.0
	 * @param WC_Order $order A customer object.
	do_action( 'woocommerce_privacy_remove_order_personal_data', $order );