WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT::search_products() │ public │ WC 1.0
Search product data for a term and return ids.
Метод класса: WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT{}
. of ids
$WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT = new WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT();
$WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT->search_products( $term, $type, $include_variations, $all_statuses, $limit, $include, $exclude );
- $term(строка) (обязательный)
- Search term.
- $type(строка)
- Type of product.
По умолчанию: ''
- $include_variations(true|false)
- Include variations in search or not.
По умолчанию: false
- $all_statuses(true|false)
- Should we search all statuses or limit to published.
По умолчанию: false
- $limit(null|int)
- Limit returned results. @since 3.5.0.
По умолчанию: null
- $include(null|массив)
- Keep specific results. @since 3.6.0.
По умолчанию: null
- $exclude(null|массив)
- Discard specific results. @since 3.6.0.
По умолчанию: null
Код WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT::search_products() WC Product Data Store CPT::search products
WC 9.5.1
public function search_products( $term, $type = '', $include_variations = false, $all_statuses = false, $limit = null, $include = null, $exclude = null ) {
global $wpdb;
$custom_results = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_product_pre_search_products', false, $term, $type, $include_variations, $all_statuses, $limit );
if ( is_array( $custom_results ) ) {
return $custom_results;
$post_types = $include_variations ? array( 'product', 'product_variation' ) : array( 'product' );
$join_query = '';
$type_where = '';
$status_where = '';
$limit_query = '';
// When searching variations we should include the parent's meta table for use in searches.
if ( $include_variations ) {
$join_query = " LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->wc_product_meta_lookup} parent_wc_product_meta_lookup
ON posts.post_type = 'product_variation' AND parent_wc_product_meta_lookup.product_id = posts.post_parent ";
* Hook woocommerce_search_products_post_statuses.
* @since 3.7.0
* @param array $post_statuses List of post statuses.
$post_statuses = apply_filters(
current_user_can( 'edit_private_products' ) ? array( 'private', 'publish' ) : array( 'publish' )
// See if search term contains OR keywords.
if ( stristr( $term, ' or ' ) ) {
$term_groups = preg_split( '/\s+or\s+/i', $term );
} else {
$term_groups = array( $term );
$search_where = '';
$search_queries = array();
foreach ( $term_groups as $term_group ) {
// Parse search terms.
if ( preg_match_all( '/".*?("|$)|((?<=[\t ",+])|^)[^\t ",+]+/', $term_group, $matches ) ) {
$search_terms = $this->get_valid_search_terms( $matches[0] );
$count = count( $search_terms );
// if the search string has only short terms or stopwords, or is 10+ terms long, match it as sentence.
if ( 9 < $count || 0 === $count ) {
$search_terms = array( $term_group );
} else {
$search_terms = array( $term_group );
$term_group_query = '';
$searchand = '';
foreach ( $search_terms as $search_term ) {
$like = '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $search_term ) . '%';
// Variations should also search the parent's meta table for fallback fields.
if ( $include_variations ) {
$variation_query = $wpdb->prepare( " OR ( wc_product_meta_lookup.sku = '' AND parent_wc_product_meta_lookup.sku LIKE %s ) ", $like );
} else {
$variation_query = '';
$term_group_query .= $wpdb->prepare( " {$searchand} ( ( posts.post_title LIKE %s) OR ( posts.post_excerpt LIKE %s) OR ( posts.post_content LIKE %s ) OR ( wc_product_meta_lookup.sku LIKE %s ) $variation_query)", $like, $like, $like, $like ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared
$searchand = ' AND ';
if ( $term_group_query ) {
$search_queries[] = $term_group_query;
if ( ! empty( $search_queries ) ) {
$search_where = ' AND (' . implode( ') OR (', $search_queries ) . ') ';
if ( ! empty( $include ) && is_array( $include ) ) {
$search_where .= ' AND posts.ID IN(' . implode( ',', array_map( 'absint', $include ) ) . ') ';
if ( ! empty( $exclude ) && is_array( $exclude ) ) {
$search_where .= ' AND posts.ID NOT IN(' . implode( ',', array_map( 'absint', $exclude ) ) . ') ';
if ( 'virtual' === $type ) {
$type_where = ' AND ( wc_product_meta_lookup.virtual = 1 ) ';
} elseif ( 'downloadable' === $type ) {
$type_where = ' AND ( wc_product_meta_lookup.downloadable = 1 ) ';
if ( ! $all_statuses ) {
$status_where = " AND posts.post_status IN ('" . implode( "','", $post_statuses ) . "') ";
if ( $limit ) {
$limit_query = $wpdb->prepare( ' LIMIT %d ', $limit );
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.VIP.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery
$search_results = $wpdb->get_results(
// phpcs:disable
"SELECT DISTINCT posts.ID as product_id, posts.post_parent as parent_id FROM {$wpdb->posts} posts
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->wc_product_meta_lookup} wc_product_meta_lookup ON posts.ID = wc_product_meta_lookup.product_id
WHERE posts.post_type IN ('" . implode( "','", $post_types ) . "')
ORDER BY posts.post_parent ASC, posts.post_title ASC
// phpcs:enable
$product_ids = wp_parse_id_list( array_merge( wp_list_pluck( $search_results, 'product_id' ), wp_list_pluck( $search_results, 'parent_id' ) ) );
if ( is_numeric( $term ) ) {
$post_id = absint( $term );
$post_type = get_post_type( $post_id );
if ( 'product_variation' === $post_type && $include_variations ) {
$product_ids[] = $post_id;
} elseif ( 'product' === $post_type ) {
$product_ids[] = $post_id;
$product_ids[] = wp_get_post_parent_id( $post_id );
return wp_parse_id_list( $product_ids );